Nobody will argue that Oracle Support is a word class experience.  Like it or not, the service is here to support thousands and individuals can get lost in the process.  If you navigate the process correctly, you can get results. Read more


Importing data directly into PBCS can be done in two ways.  There is a planning format and an Essbase format.  Yes, it can be loaded through Data Management, but this is focused on explaining the direct import process, the formats, and the benefits to each. Read more


I don’t normally write up monthly updated, but this month there are a number of intriguing changes/updates/enhancements that are important to know.  Some may change existing processes.  This is not an exhaustive list, but these are things I think all of us should take note of. Read more


Changing application settings was always a little bit of a pain with an on-premise Planning application.  It was a time intensive task of recreating the application, artifact groups at a time.  If you were a little bit of a risk taker, you might have figured out that there were fields in the relational repository that could be updated.  Is there an easy way to do this with PBCS?  Read more


The good news is migrating to the cloud doesn’t change a lot when it comes to backing up your Essbase applications.  Conceptually, it is the same.  The utilities used are slightly different. Read more



If your environment is a cloud product, whether it be PBCS or ePBCS, one thing that is critical to understand is the backups produced in the Migration area, may not be what you think.  Learning this after the fact may have negative consequences on your ability to restore data.  Read more



One of the challenges with EPM Automate has been eliminated this month.  Although it was a minor issue, the need to update EPM Automate regularly was something that had to be considered monthly.  Read more



When an application is used to demonstrate sensitive information, a training class includes people that shouldn’t see live data, or security is being tested, often times using real data is not an option.  I have written PowerShell scripts and .NET applications to randomize data from Essbase exports, as well as Custom Defined Functions to randomize with calculations.  Read more


What Is Groovy

Recently, Groovy scripting was added to ePBCS business rules as an option instead of the GUI, or the go-to scripting for you old-timers who still refuse to change.  These are defined in the Business Rule editor as Groovy calculations.  So, what is Groovy? Read more



I am currently working with a client that is updating a planning application and one of the changes is to remove a dimension.  After the new application was setup and the hierarchies were modified to meet the objectives, migrating artifacts was the next step.  As many of you know, if you try to migrate web forms and composite forms, they will error during the migration due to the additional dimension in the LCM file.  It wouldn’t be a huge deal to edit a few XML files, but when there are hundreds of them, it is extremely time consuming (and boring, which is what drove me to create this solution).


To fully understand this article, a basic understanding of XML is recommended.  The example below assumes an LCM extract was run on a Planning application and it will be used to migrate the forms to the same application without a CustomerSegment dimension.  It is also assumed that the LCM extract has been downloaded and decompressed.


I have been learning and implementing PowerShell scripts for the last 6 months and am overwhelmed by how easy it is to complete complex tasks.  So, PowerShell was my choice to modify these XML files in bulk.

It would be great to write some long article on how smart this solution is and overwhelm you with my whit, but there is not much too it.  A few lines of PowerShell will loop through all the files and remove the XML tags related to a predefined dimension.  So, let’s get to it.

Step 1 – Understand The XML

There are two folders of files we will look to.  Forms are under the plan type and the composite forms are under the global artifacts.  Both of these are located inside the resource folder.  If there are composite forms that hold the dimension in question as a shared dimension, both will need to be impacted.  Scripts will be included to update both of these areas.

Inside each of the web form files will be a tag for each dimension, and it will vary in location based on whether the dimension is in the POV, page, column, or row.  In this particular example, the CustomerSegment dimension is in the POV section.  What we want to accomplish is removing the <dimension/> tag where the name attribute is equal to CustomerSegment.

For the composite forms, the XML tag is slightly different, although the concept is the same.  The tag in composite form XML files is <sharedDimension/> and the attribute is dimension, rather than name.

Step 2 – Breaking Down the PowerShell

The first piece of the script is just setting some environment variables so the script can be changed quickly so that it can be used wherever and whenever it is needed.  The first variable is the path of the Data Forms folder to be executed on.  The second is the dimension to be removed.

# Identify the source of the Data Forms folder and the dimension to be removed
# List all files, recursively, that exist in the path above
$files = Get-ChildItem $lcmSourceDir -Recurse | 
where {$_.Attributes -notmatch 'Directory'} |

The next piece of the script is recursing through the folder and storing the files in an array.  There is a where statement to exclude directories so the code only executes on files.

# List all files, recursively, that exist in the path above
$files = Get-ChildItem $lcmSourceDir -Recurse | 
where {$_.Attributes -notmatch 'Directory'} |
Step 3 – Removing The Unwanted Dimension

The last section of the script does most of the work.  This will loop through each file in the $files array and

  1. Opens the file
  2. Loops through all tags and deletes any <dimension/> tag with a name attribute with a value equal to the $dimName variable
  3. Saves the file
# Loop through the files and find an XML tag equal to the dimension to be removed
Foreach-Object {

$xml = Get-Content $_.FullName
$node = $xml.SelectNodes(“//dimension”) |
Where-Object {$ -eq $dimName} | ForEach-Object {
# Remove each node from its parent
Write-Host “($_.FullName) updated.”

Executing The Logic On Composite Forms

The above concepts are exactly the same to apply the same logic on composite forms files in the LCM.  If this is compared to the script applied to the web forms files, there are three differences.

  1. The node, or XML tag, that needs to be removed is called sharedDimension, not dimension. (highlighted in red)
  2. The attribute is not name in this instance, but is called dimension.  (highlighted in red)
  3. We have added a counter to identify whether the file has the dimension to be removed and only saves the file if it was altered.  (highlighted in green)
The Script
$lcmSourceDir = "Z:\Downloads\KG04\HP-SanPlan\resource\Global Artifacts\Composite Forms"
$dimName = "CustomerSegment"
# List all files
$files = Get-ChildItem $lcmSourceDir -Recurse | where {$_.Attributes -notmatch 'Directory'} |
# Remove CustomerSegment
Foreach-Object {
  # Reset a counter to 0 - used later when files is saved
  $fileCount = 0

$xml = Get-Content $_.FullName
$node = $xml.SelectNodes(“//sharedDimension“) | Where-Object {$_.dimension -eq $dimName}  | ForEach-Object {
#Increase the counter for each file that matches the criteria
# Remove each node from its parent
# If the dimension was found in the file, save the updated contents.
  if($fileCount -ge 1) {
Write-Host “$_.FullName updated.”


The first script may need to be run on multiple plan types, but the results is an identical folder structure with altered files that have the identified dimension removed.  This can be zipped and uploaded to Shared Services and used to migrate the forms to the application that has the dimension removed.

The scripts above can be copied and pasted into PowerShell, or the code can be Downloaded.