Working with Jake Turrell always benefits me in many ways.  Jake found a fantastic way to minimize the effort it takes to create test accounts for testing and training Planning users.  You no longer have to create new multiple accounts.

“During the testing phase of most Planning implementations, developers need to create test user accounts.  I typically create at least one test user for each security group so I can verify that the correct access has been assigned.  With an on-premises Hyperion Planning implementation, this is easy – simply create user ID’s in the Shared Services native directory.  With PBCS, creating bulk test ID’s can be difficult, as each user ID requires a unique e-mail address.  If you need 50 test users, should you create 50 fake/temporary e-mail accounts?  Luckily the answer is no.”

Check out how here.

About Jake

Jake Turrell is a Hyperion Architect and Oracle Ace Associate with over 20 years of experience implementing Enterprise Performance Management solutions. Jake’s technology career began in the early 90’s as a Financial Systems intern at Dell in Austin, Texas, administering IMRS Micro Control (the DOS-based predecessor to Hyperion Enterprise). After working at Dell, Jake joined Ernst & Young’s Management Consulting practice where he worked with a variety of technologies. He later returned to the Hyperion world and joined a boutique Hyperion consulting firm in Dallas, Texas.
Jake has spent the last 17 years implementing Hyperion Planning and Essbase solutions for a variety of clients across multiple industries. Certified in both Hyperion Planning and Essbase, Jake holds a BBA from the University of Texas at Austin.


By default, only data values can be loaded into Essbase. However, sometimes it is helpful to load dates into an application (i.e. Product Inception Date). Follow these steps to enable an Essbase application to accept dates as data. Read more


OK, I have opened up a ticket with Oracle.  Now, they want my logs.  Frustration sets in, and I wonder…how long is it going to take to figure out where they all are and which ones are important?  If I miss one, my resolution will surely get delayed. This is all I need!

In newer versions of the Hyperion environment, Oracle has made some huge improvements. Read more


Oracle has confirmed a bug related to the deployment of security with a planning application maintained in EPMA in version 11.1.2.x.  When the Shared Members checkbox is selected in an EPMA deployment of a Planning application, it ignores this option.  Even if the Shared Members box is checked, the user still only gets access to Ohio Region, and not the children, in the example below.   Oracle is currently working on a patch. Read more


Although implied shares can improve performance by not storing the same data multiple times, it has many negative impacts. For example, implied shares cause problems in Hyperion Planning at the load level (level 0).  A parent with a storage property of Stored that has one child (or only one child that consolidates) will create an implied share.  This results in level 0 members being locked, preventing web form data entry.  In Essbase/Planning, the storage method of any parent with one child has to be changed to Never Share to allow user input.

For those of you who have been snake bitten by this, you will welcome a relatively unknown Essbase configuration setting in the Essbase configuration file (essbase.cfg).  Read more


There are several ways to export data from Essbase on a large scale. Pulling it via Excel (Smart View or the Essbase Add-In) is not the best way to get large amounts of data when the goal is to move the data somewhere else, so this option will not be covered.

Database Export

The easiest method is to export all the data from a database by exporting the database.  This can be done in EAS.  This method is easy to automate with Maxl, but has little flexibility with formatting and the only option is to export all the data.  It can be exported in column format so the data can easily be loaded into another data repository.  If the data needs to be queried, or manipulated, this is a good option.   Read more


What’s New in Hyperion 11.1.2?


The release of version 11.1.2 has brought a plethora of improvements to the entire Hyperion suite of products, and EPMA is no different. This post will cover some of the significant changes that were included.

Improved Support for Essbase

This release has provided several updates that increase the functionality of EPMA as it relates to Essbase. Some of the more important ones include:
  1. Utilizing the Reorder Children dialog box, a new sort order can now be created to reorder members in the hierarchy.
  2. Performance settings for dimensions can now be modified in EPMA
  3. Dynamic Time Series (DTS) is now supported on the period dimension (BSO cubes)
  4. The ability to add Typed Measures and members with a Date Format has also been included.
    1. Varying Attributes are still not supported in this release

Application Troubleshooting Support

As we all know, EPMA can occasionally become out of sync with the dimension library or one of the products to which we are trying to push metadata. A new application diagnostic feature has been added in this release to help users fix this issue. This diagnostic tool determines inconsistencies between the source and target. Once the inconsistencies have been discovered, they can either be corrected manually or dealt with automatically.

Financial Management Copy Application Utility

HFM supports the ability to copy an EPMA app using the Copy Application Utility. This can be done two different ways:
  1. Select the Financial Management app. It will then be copied as a Classic application. Once this has been done, the EPMA upgrade feature can be uses
  2. Alternatively, the LCM tool can be used to migrate the application. Once this is done, the Copy Application Utility can be utilized to move the data.

Batch Client

 This release includes a couple of adjustments to the batch client that improve the automation process.
  1. Login through a proxy is now supported
  2. Single Sign On (SSO) login is also supported
Follow the link below to view the complete document of changes

Oracle EPMA Documentation


This purpose of this article is to introduce the command line Life Cycle Management(LCM) utility in Oracle EPM. The LCM tool can be used to export and import objects that can be found within the Oracle EPM Environment.   This includes Security, Essbase, Hyperion Planning, Financial Management … etc.  As once gets more familiar with LCM, one comes to realize how powerful the tool is and how empty life without LCM was. Without LCM some of the more detailed artifacts within an application were difficult to move between environments.  LCM provides a centralized mechanism for exporting and importing nearly all of the objects within an Oracle EPM application or module. The table below is listed to get an idea of all the facets of LCM.


Application Artifacts by Module

Module Artifacts
Shared Services User and Group Provisioning
Projects/Application Metadata
Essbase Files (.csc, .rpt, .otl, .rul)
Index and Page files (drive letters)
Application and Database properties
EAS/Business Rules Rules
Hyperion Planning Forms
Application Properties
Hyperion Financial Management Metadata
Financial Data Quality Management Maps
Reporting and Analysis (Workspace) Reports
Database Connections


The LCM tool is integrated into the Shared Services Web Interface.  If can be found under the Application Groups tab. Within the application groups there are three main areas of interest:

  1. Foundation – includes Shared Services security such as Users/Groups and Provisioning.
  2. File System – This is where the exported files will go by default. The default location is to be stored server side, on the Shared Services server in the location: E:\Hyperion\common\import_export
    Under this main folder, the contents are broken out by the user account that performed the export. Within the export folder, there is an “info” folder and a “resource” folder. The info folder provides an xml listing of the artifacts contained within the export. The resource folder contains the actual objects that were exported.

    The LCM Command line tool provides more flexibility because it can be installed on any machine and the results can be directed to output to any local folder. Sometimes this is very useful if the Shared Services node is a Unix machine, and the LCM users are unfamiliar with Unix. Simply install the LCM Command Line Utility on the Windows machine and redirect its output to a local Windows folder using the –local command line option.

  3. Products and Applications – Each registered product will be listed and provide a mechanism to export and import the respective objects for the associated applications, Essbase, Planning…etc.


Going Command Line

The Shared Services LCM GUI is a great way to become familiar with the LCM tool. However, when it is time to start automating LCM tasks and debugging issues, the Command Line LCM utility is very helpful. To get started, the LCM Command Line tool requires a single command line argument, an xml file that contains the migration definition. The quickest way to obtain the xml file is to use the Shared Services LCM Web interface to select the objects you wish, select Define Migration to pull up the LCM Migration Wizard, and follow the prompts until the last step. Two options are presented, “Execute Migration” or “Save Migration Definition”. Choose “Save Migration Definition” to save the migration definition to a local file.


That is pretty much all there is to it… move the xml migration definition file to the location you have installed LCM. For instance, \Hyperion\common\utilities\LCM\\bin, open a command line and run Utility.bat as indicated:

E:\Hyperion\common\utilities\LCM\\bin>Utility.bat SampleExport.xml
Attempting to load Log Config File:../conf/log.xml
2011-03-20 11:50:49,015 INFO  - Executing package file - E:\Hyperion\common\util
>>> Enter username - admin
>>> Enter Password----------
--2011-03-20 11:50:57,968 INFO  - Audit Client has been created for the server h
2011-03-20 11:50:58,421 WARN  - Going to buffer response body of large or unknow
n size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.
2011-03-20 11:51:03,421 INFO  - Audit Client has been created for the server htt
2011-03-20 11:51:03,437 INFO  - MIGRATING ARTIFACTS FROM "Foundation/Shared Serv
ices" TO "/SampleExport"
2011-03-20 11:51:32,281 INFO  - Message after RemoteMigration execution - Succes
s. HSS log file is in - E:\Hyperion\common\utilities\LCM\\logs\LCM_2011_0
2011-03-20 11:51:32,687 INFO  - Migration Status - Success


LCM Example: Synchronizing Shared Services Security between Environments

LCM often requires moving objects and security between environments, such as from a development environment to a production environment. While LCM makes it easy, it is not as straightforward as simply running an export from one environment and importing into another environment. The reason is that LCM imports work in a “create/update” mode. In other words, the operations performed in LCM are typically additive in nature. While the typical LCM method would capture new users and new application provisioning, it will not handle removing user provisioning, removing or changing groups, or essentially removing users from the system. This can be an easy oversight, but it will ensure that the security becomes out of sync over time and can cause issues as well as security implications. At a high level, the steps to sync provisioning using LCM would be:

  1. Export Users/Groups/Provisioning from Source Environment
  2. Export Users/Groups from Target Environment
  3. Delete Using Step 2 Results the Users/Groups in Target Environment
  4. Import Users/Groups/Provisioning into Target Environment

Essentially, Step 1 and 4 are the typical import/export operations – where security is exported from one environment and imported into another environment. However, two additional steps are necessary. In Step 3, the users and groups in the target environment are deleted, removing provisioning too. This leaves an empty, clean environment to then import security, ensuring no residual artifacts remain in the environment. To use the LCM delete operation, a list of items to be deleted must be supplied. This is where Step 2 comes in, a simple export of the Users and Groups in the Target environment will provide the necessary information to provide to Step 3 – deleting the respective users and groups.

Below are some sample XML migration definitions for each step:


Step 1 – Export Users/Groups/Provisioning from Source Environment

Note: By default the results will be sent to the source Shared Services server in the “import_export” directory. You can use LCM to redirect the output to keep the results all in the same environment (the target system) by using the command line option [-local/-l] (run utility.bat without any command line options to see help for your version of LCM). Simply redirect the results into the local folder, \Hyperion\common\import_export, in the Target system.

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package name="web-migration" description="Migrating Shared Services to File System ">
        <ConnectionInfo name="MyHSS-Connection1" type="HSS" description="Hyperion Shared Service connection" url="http://sourceSvr:58080/interop" user="" password=""/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="FileSystem-Connection1" type="FileSystem" description="File system connection" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" filePath="/Step1ExportFromSource"/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="AppConnection2" type="Application" product="HUB" project="Foundation" application="Shared Services" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" description="Source Application"/>
        <Task seqID="1">
            <Source connection="AppConnection2">
                    <optionInfo name="userFilter" value="*"/>
                    <optionInfo name="groupFilter" value="*"/>
                    <optionInfo name="roleFilter" value="*"/>
                <Artifact recursive="false" parentPath="/Native Directory" pattern="Users"/>
                <Artifact recursive="true" parentPath="/Native Directory/Assigned Roles" pattern="*"/>
                <Artifact recursive="false" parentPath="/Native Directory" pattern="Groups"/>
            <Target connection="FileSystem-Connection1">

Step 2 – Export Users / Groups from Target Environment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package name="web-migration" description="Migrating Shared Services to File System ">
        <ConnectionInfo name="MyHSS-Connection1" type="HSS" description="Hyperion Shared Service connection" url="http://targetSvr:58080/interop" user="" password=""/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="FileSystem-Connection1" type="FileSystem" description="File system connection" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" filePath="/Step2UsersGroupsTarget"/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="AppConnection2" type="Application" product="HUB" project="Foundation" application="Shared Services" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" description="Source Application"/>
        <Task seqID="1">
            <Source connection="AppConnection2">
                    <optionInfo name="userFilter" value="*"/>
                    <optionInfo name="groupFilter" value="*"/>
                <Artifact recursive="false" parentPath="/Native Directory" pattern="Users"/>
                <Artifact recursive="false" parentPath="/Native Directory" pattern="Groups"/>
            <Target connection="FileSystem-Connection1">

Step 3 – Delete Users/Groups in Target Environment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package name="web-migration" description="Migrating File System to Shared Services">
        <ConnectionInfo name="MyHSS-Connection1" type="HSS" description="Hyperion Shared Service connection" url="http://targetSvr:58080/interop" user="" password=""/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="AppConnection1" type="Application" product="HUB" description="Destination Application" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" project="Foundation" application="Shared Services"/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="FileSystem-Connection2" type="FileSystem" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" filePath="/Step2UsersGroupsTarget" description="Source Application"/>
        <Task seqID="1">
            <Source connection="FileSystem-Connection2">
                <Artifact recursive="false" parentPath="/Native Directory" pattern="Users"/>
                <Artifact recursive="false" parentPath="/Native Directory" pattern="Groups"/>
            <Target connection="AppConnection1">
                    <optionInfo name="operation" value="delete"/>
                    <optionInfo name="maxerrors" value="100"/>

Step 4 – Import Users and Groups into Clean Target Environment

This step assumes that Step 1 was redirected onto the target environment within the import_export directory. The respective folder, Step1UsersGroupsSource, can also be manually copied from the source to the target environment without using the redirection to a local folder technique.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Package name="web-migration" description="Migrating File System to Shared Services">
        <ConnectionInfo name="MyHSS-Connection1" type="HSS" description="Hyperion Shared Service connection" url="http://targetSvr:58080/interop" user="" password=""/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="AppConnection1" type="Application" product="HUB" description="Destination Application" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" project="Foundation" application="Shared Services"/>
        <ConnectionInfo name="FileSystem-Connection2" type="FileSystem" HSSConnection="MyHSS-Connection1" filePath="/Step1UsersGroupsSource" description="Source Application"/>
        <Task seqID="1">
            <Source connection="FileSystem-Connection2">
                <Artifact recursive="true" parentPath="/Native Directory" pattern="*"/>
            <Target connection="AppConnection1">
                    <optionInfo name="operation" value="create/update"/>
                    <optionInfo name="maxerrors" value="100"/>

Troubleshooting with Command Line LCM

LCM can be a great tool when it works flawlessly. However, it can quickly become part of mission critical activities like promoting artifacts from development to production. Consequently, it is necessary to learn some troubleshooting skills to maintain business continuity using LCM.

  1. Review the output of the LCM operation. Usually it will provide some detail about the error that was received.
  2. Review the server side Shared_services_LCM.log in ORACLE_HOME\logs\SharedServices\SharedServices_LCM.log
  3. Turn on debugging for the command line LCM tool. Change the line “info” to “debug” in the files
    E:\Hyperion\common\utilities\LCM\\conf in log.xml and hss-log.xml
    <param name=”Threshold” value=”info” />
  4. Use Google, the Oracle Knowledgebase to search for more information.
  5. Try only a subset of the initial objects. For instance, Essbase can export a number of objects, Outline, Calc Scripts, Rule Files, Report Scripts, Substation Variables, Location Aliases, and Security. Try one at a time to determine which part of the whole is failing.
  6. Restart the environment. LCM is an emerging technology and can sometimes just be in a bad state. I’ve seen countless LCM issues where bouncing the environment clears the issue up.
  7. Look for special characters that might be present in your data. LCM is a java tool and uses xml and text files to transmit data. There are instances where special characters can mess up the parsing.
  8. Look for patches – as mentioned previously, LCM is an emerging technology and is still somewhat buggy (especially older versions). Check release notes in patches for enhancements/bug fixes in LCM.


Many companies have in depth working knowledge of Hyperion Essbase and are looking to enhance their enterprise reporting capabilities to the next level. Companies typically have specific processes and calculations that set them apart in their industry. However, they are often limited to basic reporting capabilities provided by the standard functions in Essbase. Additionally, complex operations can quickly become arduous using Calculation Scripts and Business Rules. This post will demonstrate the how to easily build Custom Java Routines to extend Essbase and dramatically reduce development time.

Complete details will be provided on how to implement a simple customized logging function for use in Calculation Scripts and Business Rules. Essbase’s streamlined, parallel nature makes it difficult for application developers to trace line by line. By using Java to implement a custom logging routine, one may use personalized log entries within their Essbase scripts. Consequently, developers can add tracing to their scripts and quickly determine how Essbase is approaching each calculation. Accordingly, application developers are able to see exactly how the script is being executed – providing quick debugging and faster development time. One powerful feature is to help determine block creation  within FIX statements.

The first step to integrating a custom Java routine into Essbase is to write some simple Java code. It is very easy – the code does not have to include any special APIs for Essbase.  During development, a few issues were encountered where Essbase was a bit picky about how the code is written.  Here are a few tips to help in getting started. These tips were gathered while doing real development, and it is best to follow at first, though you may revisit the items and find out what will work for you.

  • Do not include the code in a package such as “” – remove the “package” declarative at the top of the code
  • Do not use the keyword “this” to refer to variables
  • Do not overload methods
  • Set all methods and variables to static

With these provisions in mind, the following code can be written to implement a custom logging routine.

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class CustomLoggerV2

    private static String logFile;
    public static int logFilterLevel;
    public static void setLogFilterLevel(int logFilterLevel2)
        logFilterLevel = logFilterLevel2;
    public static void setLogFilename(String logFilename)
        logFilterLevel = 0;
        logFile = logFilename ;

    public static synchronized void customLog (int logLevel, String message)
        log(logLevel, message);

    private static synchronized void log (int logLevel, String message)
        // do not log
        if (logLevel < logFilterLevel)
                return ;
        try {
            Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(logFile, true);
            fw.write(c.getTime()   ": "   message   "\n");
        } catch (Exception e)
                System.out.println("Error, cannot open , "   logFile);


The code implements three public methods:

  • setLogFilterLevel(int logFilterLevel) – sets the minimum message level to log (think about ERROR=100, WARN=90, INFO=70, DEBUG=0) – so you can easily change the verbosity of the output.
  • setLogFilename(String filename) – The full path to the log file you wish to use
  • customLog(logLevel, String message) – The log message, with its indicated priority

The next step is to package up the code above. It is important to use the same version of Java which is running your Essbase instance. To find the version, look for the JRE being used within the environment, for instance, Hyperion\common\JRE\Sun\1.5.0\bin. To obtain the specific revision, open a cmd prompt, cd to the bin directory, and run “java –version”.

E:\Hyperion\common\JRE\Sun\1.5.0\bin>java -versi
java version "1.5.0_11"

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode

To compile the code a JDK is required, which will contain the javac command. Hyperion only packages the JRE, meaning you will have to download the correct JDK in order to compile the code. You can find older versions of Java JDK from Oracle(Sun)’s web site. Once you have obtained the correct version of the JDK, compile and package up the code:


jar -cf CustomLoggerV2.jar CustomLoggerV2.class

Next, copy the CustomLoggerV2.jar file into the Essbase file structure:

Copy CustomLoggerV2.jar into the E:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseServer\java\udf folder. If the udf folder does not already exist, create it.

Now it is time to start including the Java class within Essbase. Essbase runs within its own JVM and therefore has its own Java security. In the example above, we are writing to a local log file, which will violate the default security policy setup in the udf.policy file. The file is usually found in Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseServer\java . The simplest way to get around the security concerns for development purposes is to remove the comment from the last line in the file, which effectively includes the directive “permission”

permission java.util.PropertyPermission “java.vm.version”, “read”;

permission java.util.PropertyPermission “java.vm.vendor”, “read”;

permission java.util.PropertyPermission “”, “read”;

// Uncomment the following line if you want to remove all restrictions



Now that the Essbase security and jar file have been put in, a restart of the Essbase process is required to register the changes. Please restart Essbase now.

The final step is to run some maxl statements to register the public java methods with Essbase.


create or replace function '@JCustomLoggerV2_setLogFilename'

as 'CustomLoggerV2.setLogFilename(String)'

spec '@JCustomLoggerV2.setLogFilename(absolute file name)'

comment 'Nicholas King'

with property runtime;

create or replace function '@JCustomLoggerV2_customLog'

as 'CustomLoggerV2.customLog(int, String)'

spec '@JCustomLoggerV2.customLog(log level, log message)'

comment 'Nicholas King'

with property runtime;

create or replace function '@JCustomLoggerV2_setLogFilterLevel'

as 'CustomLoggerV2.setLogFilterLevel(int)'

spec '@JCustomLoggerV2.setLogFilterLevel(filter level)'

comment 'Nicholas King'

with property runtime;

One final thing… In order to run a custom java function, the value of the result has to be stored in an Essbase member. This is true even if there is not any use for the return value, such as this case where there is no value returned from the Java methods. To get around this, create a new Essbase member called “No Measure” somewhere within your Essbase outline. This will act as a dummy member intended only to direct the return value, if any, of the Java methods. An example is shown below.

Sample Calc Script or Business Rule to Invoke the Logger

//ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary

/* SETUP The Logger */

/* Fix on something so it runs only once */

FIX (Actual, Texas, "100-10")

"No Measure" = @JCustomLoggerV2_setLogFilename("E:\CustomEssbaseLog.log");

"No Measure" = @JCustomLoggerV2_setLogFilterLevel(50);


/* In your script, do some actual logging */

FIX (Actual, Texas, "100-10")

/* Won’t be displayed */

"No Measure" = @JCustomLoggerV2_customLog(0, "This is a debug message");

/* Will be displayed */

"No Measure" = @JCustomLoggerV2_customLog(50, "This is a normal message");

"No Measure" = @JCustomLoggerV2_customLog(100, "This is an important message");


The result of running the script is the log entries will be added to the log file E:\CustomEssbaseLog.log,

Mon Feb 21 01:30:25 EST 2011: This is a normal message

Mon Feb 21 01:30:25 EST 2011: This is an important message

Troubleshooting Tips

A very common error you may receive is,

Error: 1200324 Error compiling formula for [No Measure] (line 8): operator expected after [@JCustomLogger_customLog]

This error is a generic error that indicates something in your custom function is not registered properly.  Unfortunately, there is not a lot of detailed log information at this point to help discover the problem. If you receive this message a few things might help:

  • Retrace your steps – carefully review all instructions above
  • Check that the correct version of Java was used to compile the class file and package the jar
  • Check the jar is in the correct “udf” folder in Essbase
  • Check the syntax of the MAXL to register the functions is correct
  • Simplify your script as much as possible to reduce the possibility of syntax errors


This example shows how to create a custom Java based logger integrated into Essbase. The possibilities are endless – anything that can be done in Java can be added to Essbase. You can create development aids, or even read/modify the values within the cube. For instance, this model has successfully been used to perform complex financial calculations within Hyperion Planning Forms using Business Rules.  It could also be used for integrating Web Services with your cube by reading or writing cube data and interacting with an enterprise Web Service.


As Hyperion applications have become more integrated, the need for multiple servers to support the environment is now required.  Although the recent releases of version 11 are less dependent on the order in which the services start, Hyperion still recommends a specific order to start the services so they perform correctly.  As these services are typically on multiple servers, it is time consuming to perform this operation and it is prone to error.  Many organizations lack the ability to automate this task when services are interrupted, or operating systems are updated, and there is no automated way to start and stop the services.

In2Hyperion is now making available HypServicesManager.  HypServicesManager is an application that will start or stop the services in a predefined order.  An XML file holds the server/service order so the services to be included, and the order in which they start/stop, is completely customizable.  It will impersonate a domain account that has permissions to the respective servers, so the starting or stopping of the services on multiple servers can be performed quickly and remotely.  With command line parameters, it can even be automated.

Keep in mind, HypServicesManager is completely independent of Hyperion services.  Although it was developed to fill the need to manage Hyperion services, it can be used for any windows service as it uses the windows APIs.

I have used this application in multiple organizations and it is often used in a production environment.  With that said, this has not been tested on thousands of environments in every Windows OS.  If it doesn’t work for you, we certainly welcome feedback and will make every effort to fix any bugs that are discovered.

Details on the use of the application are available here.