Tag Archive for: user


I know you can argue this is a user issue and a training issue, but the fact is, sometimes people will save a form without editing any data.  There are at least three negative issues as a result.  One, the business rules and smart pushes execute, consuming unnecessary resources.  Two, users may think they made changes and expect changes in the results.  Three, if the processes are time consuming (like applying allocations or currency rates globally), the user will have to wait to correct the issue.  There is a very simple way to stop all the processes from executing and inform the user that they haven’t made any changes. Read more


I had the honor of presenting at the September 2009 user group in the Hyperion track for those who attended the Ohio Valley Oracle Application User Group in Louisville.  The presentation focused on Maxl best practices, and how to integrate the results of maxl into other technologies.  The presentation was driven from a project completed late last year.  A recent client spent a tremendous amount of time verifying the results of daily and monthly processes.

Adding some consistency in the Maxl scripting, I integrated the results of the scripts, including the error and process logs, with .NET to produce a website that summarized the state of nearly 50 processes.  Administrators were able to view a web page that showed real time status of all their applications, including links to error logs.  The increased productivity of the administrative staff created a positive ROI in the first month of use.