The generic rule in Essbase is that calculations FIX on sparse members because sparse members are what define the number of blocks.  When you want to limit the members of the block on which the calculation is executed, an IF statement is appropriate. Read more


How many times have you been in a situation where you have to traverse through hundreds of lines and errors from an Essbase data load only to figure out that all the rejected records are caused by an issue with one member?  You load the file again and wham – another error file with issues you didn’t see the first time.

Although this is typically less of an issue in a production environment, these situations are very likely in the development and testing phases of a project.

In2Hyperion is introducing another free tool that will navigate through errors and summarize the reasons for the rejects.  Read more


OK, I have opened up a ticket with Oracle.  Now, they want my logs.  Frustration sets in, and I wonder…how long is it going to take to figure out where they all are and which ones are important?  If I miss one, my resolution will surely get delayed. This is all I need!

In newer versions of the Hyperion environment, Oracle has made some huge improvements. Read more


No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. The grid lines don’t align with the row headers. It is very slight on smaller forms, but forms with hundreds of rows compounds the issue. The further down the grid, the more of an issue the offset is.

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Patch Set Update: offers a welcome utility

If you have ever tried to automate the state of a Hyperion Planning applications’ Application Maintenance Mode, you found it difficult. The only way to accomplish this was to run a SQL Update on the repository table, and for this to take effect, the Planning service had to be restarted.

If you are unfamiliar with the Application Maintenance Mode setting, Read more


Josh Forrest and I presented at last year’s Collaborate conference.  Along with that presentation, we wrote a white paper on the implementation of Hyperion Planning.  This paper included process of selecting a vendor, the project goals, requirements gathering, project methodology, and even the lessons learned once the implementation was completed.

The editors of OAUG asked us if they could publish the article in the summer edition, which was released this week.  The article was written closely with Abercrombie & Fitch and represents the process from the business, not from the consulting services, point of view.

The article can be downloaded here at  Access to the article requires free registration.


Oracle has confirmed a bug related to the deployment of security with a planning application maintained in EPMA in version 11.1.2.x.  When the Shared Members checkbox is selected in an EPMA deployment of a Planning application, it ignores this option.  Even if the Shared Members box is checked, the user still only gets access to Ohio Region, and not the children, in the example below.   Oracle is currently working on a patch. Read more


The introduction of Hyperion 11.1.2 has some fantastic improvements.  Many of these have been long awaited.  The next few articles on In2Hyperion will describe some of the enhancements to Hyperion Planning, Hyperion Essbase, and Hyperion SmartView.

XREF Background

If you have been developing Planning applications, you are probably very familiar with the XREF function.  This function is used in business rules, calculation scripts, and member formulas.  It provides a method to move data from one plan type (Essbase database) to another plan type.  It is executed from the target database and pulls the data from the source.  XWRITE was actually introduced in later versions of 11.1.1.x, but is very stable in 11.1.2.x.  XWRITE is executed from the source and pushes data to the target.  This function is a huge improvement over XREF.  Read more


I would like to introduce a networking opportunity for all you infrastructure groupies, or those interested in the technical side of the Hyperion suite.  Follow Rob Donahue on twitter – @EPMTechTips.

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Although implied shares can improve performance by not storing the same data multiple times, it has many negative impacts. For example, implied shares cause problems in Hyperion Planning at the load level (level 0).  A parent with a storage property of Stored that has one child (or only one child that consolidates) will create an implied share.  This results in level 0 members being locked, preventing web form data entry.  In Essbase/Planning, the storage method of any parent with one child has to be changed to Never Share to allow user input.

For those of you who have been snake bitten by this, you will welcome a relatively unknown Essbase configuration setting in the Essbase configuration file (essbase.cfg).  Read more