Excel Essbase Add-In Ribbon

For those of you who still enjoy the flexibility of the Hyperion Excel add-in and have upgraded to Microsoft Office 2007, you are well aware that Excel no longer has toolbars or menus. SmartView integrates with the ribbon methodology well, but the Hyperion Essbase Excel add-in doesn’t. What used to be the Hyperion menu is stuck in the add-ins ribbon as a drop down menu. It still functions the same, but users loose the quick access to functions that the ribbon methodology adds.

In2Hyperion developed a ribbon add-in that can be used in conjunction with the Excel add-in. Nearly all the functionality exists and makes the options easier to use and are embedded in their own ribbon! This still requires the Hyperion Essbase add-in to be installed. It simply uses the existing functions and associates them with a ribbon button.


Download the appropriate release and unzip the file to an appropriate location. To install this as an Excel Add-In,

  1. Click the Office button in Excel (the Office logo circle in the upper left hand corner of Excel)
  2. Click the Excel Options button in the lower left hand corner
  3. Click the Add-Ins menu on the left side of the window
  4. Change the Manage Drop Down to Excel Add-Ins, and click the Go button
  5. When the Add-Ins window opens, click the Browse button, navigate to the location where In2Hyp Essbase Ribbon.xlam is located
  6. Either double click In2Hyp Essbase Ribbon.xlam, or select it and click Open
  7. Click the OK button on the Add-Ins dialogue box

Known Issues

No known issues

Enhancement Requests
Future Release

  1. Have custom preferences that will allow the user to select default options (apply default settings to new sheet, as well as select retrain on retrieval if #MI and Zerro suppression are turned off).

Release 3.3
May 13, 2011

Version Updates

  • The Replace 0 option has been drastically improved on large spreadsheets. The option will process the request 40 times faster.
  • BUG correction – Replace All regains functionality
  • BUG correction – some special characters in the connection manager caused the menu to stop working. The following characters can not be entered
    • <
    • >
    • &

Read the version 3.3 release article [download V3.3] Right-click (control-click on a Mac) the link and choose “Save Link As…”

Release 3.2
February 18, 2011

Version Updates

  • BUG correction – when selecting the replace 0 option, member names that were only numeric characters prefaced by a ‘ were replaced with numeric values causing retrieves to effectively break.

Read the version 3.2 release article [download V3.2]

Release 3.1
February 15, 2011

Version Updates

  • Added Indent Level to the ribbon
  • Added the option to disconnect all connections on the active workbook and all connections in all workbooks
  • Added Manage Connection which provides the ability to change passwords and delete saved connections
  • Added the option to remove zeros with #Missing when Lock/Send button is used

Read the version 3.1 release article [download V3.1]

Release 3
December 27, 2010

Version Updates

  • Rearranged common functions to improve usability
  • Added common options directly in the ribbon to enable quick change and clearly show current settings
  • Added shortcut keys that mirror the Essbase Add-In shortcut keys
  • Created a help menu with shortcuts to Oracle Hyperion Documentation, The Oracle BI Forums, and the In2Hyperion website

Read the version 3 release article [download V3]

Release 2
November 18, 2010

Version Updates

  • Save common server connections to easily and quickly connect to multiple servers

Read the version 2 release article [download V2]


Release 1
March 21, 2010

Read the initial release [download V1]