Planning Data Loads: com.hyperion.planning.InvalidMemberException vs. java.lang.RuntimeException

I had a very interesting thing happen today that tripped me up.  When loading data to a PBCS database through Planning (not as an Essbase file), I had two types of errors.  I have never seen this before and this could cause some serious heartburn for administrators and possibly waste a ton of time trying to resolve.  So, I am sharing for the sake of saving somebody some effort.

One Error, Two Messages

The error first is the typical error due to a member not being in the application.  com.hyperion.planning.InvalidMemberException: The member CTR_123 does not exist for the specified cube or you do not have access to it.  We have all seen this.  CTR_123 was not in the hierarchy.  Once it was added and the data was reloaded the issue was resolved.

The second issue was another error I have seen before, but I haven’t seen this in PBCS.  java.lang.RuntimeException: Not all dimensions were specified.  Normally, this is related to having a file correctly formatted in but having a member from one dimension in the wrong column, or having a column that is null.

As I often do, I created a Smart View retrieve and added the members in the load file one at a time.  When I found the member that caused a retrieve error, I went into the dimension editor to search for it.  To my surprise, it was there!  What?  But, when I looked at the properties, it was not valid for the application I was trying to load the data to.  This might have been overlooked by mere mortal (wink), but once enabled for the application in question, the load error was resolved.


So, why the two error types?  Why do we get two error types for the same error (the member doesn’t exist in the database)?  I can only assume since I loaded this through Planning, it tripped up on the fact that the member was in Planning, but not in the specific database I was trying to load.  If I loaded this as an Essbase file, as expected, I got the same error for both lines, member not found.

Hopefully this saves you some time.  If you have ever come across something similar, please share with the community.  These things are normally the things you find after a 12 hour day and you spend another 4 trying to figure it out.

Lastly, please enjoy a safe holiday and remind yourself how lucky you are and try to be thankful for the things you have and not be frustrated about the things you don’t.  Gobble Gobble!

Drill Through to Data Management and Stay In Excel

There is a new, and often requested, option added to Smart View.  If you use drill through to Data Management (PBCS) or FDMEE (On Prem), download the most recent release of Smart View.  We, as users, now have the option to change where the result of our drill through queries is returned.  Users can either be asked where the result should be displayed, have it displayed in your browser, or (drum roll) have another tab created that holds the results in Excel.

Change Your Option

This isn’t a complicated or drawn out explanation, but it is sexy!  To change where the results are displayed, go to your Smart View ribbon and click Options to open the dialogue.  Select the Advanced tab on the left and scroll down just a tad.  You will see an option for Drill-Through Launch.  The 3 options previously mentioned are available.  This removes one of the biggest user frustrations regarding drill-through reporting and will surely make a lot of people happy.

The Proof Is In The Pudding

It works just as you would expect, but here is the proof.  When you open a retrieve and connect to the application, right click on a cell.  Click on Drill-through as you always have.

If the data has more detailed data available, a new worksheet will be created in your workbook with the results if you have chosen the In New Sheet option.

Not Much Else To Cover

That is it.  There isn’t much else to say, but this is a great and frequently requested feature.  We can finally provide a good answer.

Absolutely you can drill through to the detail and have it returned in Excel.

As always, post a comment if you have something to share with the community or have additional questions about this topic.

Adventures in Groovy – Part 34: Getting Started With Groovy in ePBCS, Implementation Methods, an ODTUG Webinar

I was fortunate enough to speak for ODTUG a few weeks ago and really excited that my discussions around Groovy are getting some of the most attended and most interactive ODTUG webinars.  If you have put any of these presentations together, you know how much time it takes to do the research, consolidate the information, make it presentable, and spend the time to hopefully make it fluid.  So, when you provide feedback, I really appreciate it.

The Webinar

There were some questions I wasn’t able to answer, so here goes.

Can the dataCellIterator take functions like @IDESC, @CHLIDREN, etc?

The iterator iterates through the grid, so it doesn’t have the ability to do this directly.  I am not sure of the question, but you could iterate through the grid and for each cell use these functions in other classes/methods to do things like see if it has children, or check to see if it is a child of something.

Is there a way to have a groovy business rule to call a non-groovy business rule – for example if cells were edited then run BR1 else return?

Yes and no.  There is no way to execute another rule.  But, you can embed it into the script like you can in any other rule or script.  You can neither write the string or drag and drop the rule into the Groovy rule.  It doesn’t always put it where the cursor is, but you can cut and paste it to wherever you need it.  It basically is like an include and just embeds the script text, so it would need to be in a string builder.

Can We improve the Aggregations with Groovy?

Yes and no.  If you dynamically create an aggregation script that is the exact same as a normal rule, the same time would result.  Where you do get a benefit is that you can only consolidate the impacted members and dimensions based on what has been edited.  You can also move the data from the BSO to the ASO cube and eliminate the need to aggregate, which would obviously improve the perception of speed.

Does groovy interact with workflow, valid intersection, copying attached documents / supporting detail?

Workflow is in the roadmap.  I confirmed last week with development, so it is coming.  Attachments and supporting detail can be copied by executing smart pushes.

Can grids be generated on the fly using groovy?

They sure can, but they aren’t visible to the user.  There are two grid builders for retrieving and submitting data.

Is there any documentation available to give performance comparisons between business rule/calc and groovy?

Not that I know of, but as previously stated, Groovy doesn’t make Essbase faster.  The perception to users will be that it does, but it is only because we have the ability to isolate what we calculate more than we did before.  That said, if you use the grid builders to do the calculations and submit the results rather than use BSO calculations, you might see different results.  There are some things (allocations) that I think is faster in BSO.  I think using the grid builders on ASO – I do see improvements in performance using Groovy over procedural calculations.  But, I want to emphasize that the majority of the time the speed is improved because of the ability to calculate only what we need to.

Adventures in Groovy – Part 33: Mapping Members Between Plan Types

Groovy collections are used all throughout the ePBCS API.  If you are not familiar with collections, you may want to take a look at Adventures in Groovy – Part 27: Understanding Collections before you continue.  Maps, which are a type of collection, are very useful when moving data between different applications that have different member names representing the same data.  In a the example below, data is moving from a product revenue cube to a financial cube.  In the detailed cube, the member names are more descriptive, like Net Sales.  In the financial application, the same data is a true account number from the GL, and names 42001.  Mapping data between these two can easily be done with Groovy maps.


There are two components to understanding the use of these maps.  First, the map must be defined for use.  The construction of the map is a delimited list of items.  Each of the items is made up of an key and a value.  These are separated by a colon.

//set account map
def acctMap = ['Units':'Units',
               '42001-Product Sales':'Net Sales',
               '50001-Cost of Sales':'COGS',
               '56010-Chargebacks':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '50010-Sales and Discounts':'Sales and Discounts',
               '56055-Overstock Discount':'Overstock Discount',
               '56300-Customer Satisfaction Discount':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '56092-Multi-Purchase Discount':'Multi-Purchase Discount',
               '56230-Open Box Discount':'Open Box Discount',
               '56200-Damage Container Discount':'Damage Container Discount',
               '56205-Damaged Box Discount':'Damaged Box Discount',
               '56090-Group Purchase Discount':'Group Purchase Discount']

The second piece is retrieving the mapped value.  The value on the left of the colon is referenced and the value on the right will be returned.  The following would return 56230.

[acctMap.get("56230-Open Box Discount")]

A fully vetted example follows of moving data from one database to several others.  The function’s use is embedded in a loop, so rather than a hard coded value, the member of the account dimension is used as the accounts (rows in the form) are being iterated.  It looks like this.


Working Use Case

The map above is used in several places for several reasons.  First, the map is created.  Second, the map is iterated and the key is used to create a data grid for all the values that will be copied, or synchronized, to the destination cube.  Third, the map is used to lookup the converted value to create the grid connected to the destination.  this is a complete working example.  The items in red are specific to the map and its use.

//Dimension employeeDim = operation.application.getDimension("Account")

// Data Movement between Apps

// Get POV
String sCompany = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Company")
def sMaterialGroup = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Material_Group")
String sChannel = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Channel")

def lstProducts = []
operation.grid.dataCellIterator({DataCell cell -> cell.edited}).each{ 

String strProducts = """\"${lstProducts.unique().join('","')}\""""
println "data push running for " + strProducts

if(operation.grid.hasSmartPush("Prod_SmartPush") && lstProducts)

//set account map
def acctMap = ['Units':'Units',
               '42001-Product Sales':'Net Sales',
               '50001-Cost of Sales':'COGS',
               '56010-Chargebacks':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '50010-Sales and Discounts':'Sales and Discounts',
               '56055-Overstock Discount':'Overstock Discount',
               '56300-Customer Satisfaction Discount':'Customer Satisfaction Discount',
               '56092-Multi-Purchase Discount':'Multi-Purchase Discount',
               '56230-Open Box Discount':'Open Box Discount',
               '56200-Damage Container Discount':'Damage Container Discount',
               '56205-Damaged Box Discount':'Damaged Box Discount',
               '56090-Group Purchase Discount':'Group Purchase Discount']

Cube lookupCube = operation.application.getCube("rProd")
DataGridDefinitionBuilder builder = lookupCube.dataGridDefinitionBuilder()
builder.addPov(['Years', 'Scenario', 'Currency', 'Version', 'Company','Store_Type','Department','Source','Product','View'], [['&v_PlanYear'], ['OEP_Plan'], ['Local'], ['OEP_Working'], [sCompany],['Store_Type'],['Total_Department'],['Tot_Source'],['Tot_Product'],['MTD']])
builder.addColumn(['Period'], [ ['ILvl0Descendants("YearTotal")'] ])
for ( e in acctMap ) {
 builder.addRow(['Account'], [ [e.key] ]) 
DataGridDefinition gridDefinition =

// Load the data grid from the lookup cube 
DataGrid dataGrid = lookupCube.loadGrid(gridDefinition, false) 
def povmbrs = dataGrid.pov
def rowmbrs = dataGrid.rows
def colmbrs = dataGrid.columns
def tmpColMbrs = []

//Fin Grid Setup
Cube finCube = operation.application.getCube("Fin")
Cube rfinCube = operation.application.getCube("rFin")
DataGridBuilder finGrid = finCube.dataGridBuilder("MM/DD/YYYY")
DataGridBuilder rfinGrid = rfinCube.dataGridBuilder("MM/DD/YYYY")
def colnames = colmbrs[0]*.essbaseMbrName

String scolmbrs = "'" + colnames.join("', '") + "'"
finGrid.addColumn(colmbrs[0]*.essbaseMbrName as String[])
rfinGrid.addColumn(colmbrs[0]*.essbaseMbrName as String[])

dataGrid.dataCellIterator('Jan').each{ it ->

def sAcct = "${acctMap.get(it.getMemberName('Account'))}"
 def sValues = []
 List addcells = new ArrayList()
 colmbrs[0].each{cName -> 
 addcells << it.crossDimCell(cName.essbaseMbrName).data

DataGridBuilder.Status status = new DataGridBuilder.Status()
DataGridBuilder.Status rstatus = new DataGridBuilder.Status()
DataGrid grid =
DataGrid rgrid =


Finishing Up

This is a relatively simple concept and not terribly difficult to implement.  It is also something most will benefit from when synchronizing data with the dataGridBuilder.  Have something to add?  Post a comment and I will get back to you promptly.

Adventures in Groovy – Part 32: Require Explanations When Data Is Outside Acceptable Ranges

Groovy offers creative ways to force data into acceptable ranges.  But, what happens when there is an acceptable reason for abnormal trends, or drivers?  With Groovy, you can not only add limits to data cells, but you can also allow entry outside of those ranges if the user enters an explanation.  With Groovy, you get the best of both worlds!

Use Case

Requiring data within limits is a huge improvement to your application.  It improves the accuracy and ownership of the budget, and reduces fire-drills at the end of your budget cycle.  In this example, we will require a rate to be between -10 and 30 percent.  If a user enters data outside that range, the form will not be able to be saved.

However, if a user enters a comment, Groovy will then allow the form to be saved.  Is this perfect?  Of course not.  A user can still go in and enter a poor explanation, or just enter a space to bypass the validation rule.  I have always felt that no system can make people be responsible, so we will assume that your users are doing what they are instructed and your leadership will hold them accountable.  To show this functionality, view this short video.

The Code

This validation is actually quite simple.  This follows the same rules as other validations and must be “Run Before Save.”  Use Members on Form and Hide Prompts is also suggested.

// Define cell colors for errors
def BackErrColor = 16755370  
// Iterate through the row with the rate and only the months - exclude quarters and totals
operation.grid.dataCellIterator('ProdRev_2_%_Inp','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun’,'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec').each { 
  // If data is above .3 or lower than -.1 and does NOT have a cell note, throw the error
  if( ( > 0.3 || < -0.1) && !it.hasCellNote() ) {
    it.addValidationError(BackErrColor,"Your Margin has to be between -10% and 30%.  If you want enter something outside that range, an explanation is required", false) 

Finishing Up

I really hope this inspires you to be creative about using Groovy to add useful user functionality.  As you can see, you can add awesome functionality relatively easily.  If you have any creative solutions you would like to share, please add a comment.

Adventures in Groovy – Part 31: Benefits of Running Logic in Groovy (Bypass Essbase)

Say what? An application where no calculations are performed with the Essbase calculation engine?

Business logic, currency, and every other calculation can be performed within Groovy outside of Essbase. I don’t know how I feel about this yet, but the thought of building this in calculations on an ASO cube is intriguing. The elimination of consolidating BSO cubes and data movements with Smart Pushes is also interesting. Some of my coworkers have built entire applications this way with great success and speed. I wanted to replicate this on a small scale to identify the pros and cons of this methodology, and here is what I found.

In my adventures, I found that performance was similar. Sometimes it was quicker, sometimes a little slower. I did not do large allocations, but I have done account calculations and currency conversion. I have done it on form save as well as globally. Complexity varies. If you are a Groovy expert, it likely seems less complex. If you are an Essbase developer, it might seem more complicated. Code can be reused by developing functions and placing them in scripts, just like Essbase scripts can be embedded into rules.

One thing I did find appealing for a user is that change history is complete! If you have dabbled with this, you will know that the change history only includes edited data by a user. So, calculated accounts don’t show any history. When the calculations are done in Groovy, the results are stored in a grid, and saved to the database. This mimics a user updating the values and reflects in the change history. This, I think, is pretty cool.

Another benefit is that calculated data in a grid is reflective of the inputs. With prompts, or when data isn’t validated, the form shows the results of the calculations before the data is saved in the form. I have been asked by many if it is possible to show the results real time before save (like an adhoc form with formulas built in Excel). This is now possible if you get creative.

Before we jump into the code, it might make sense to understand what dimensions/members are in the POV.

Code Introduction

The following calculation is replicating what an Essbase calculation is performing.

  1. Performs simple math to calculation revenue and costs – mostly simple multiplication and division
  2. Looks up the currency rates for the Entity selected and applies the exchange rate to the account if it is identified as an account that should be converted (ignores statistical accounts, for example)
  3. Converts the account from ProdRev to the representative account in the P&L plan type.
  4. Submits the calculated results to both the ProdRev BSO and ASO (in a real world situation, you may decide to exclude the BSO cube and connect the form and write the data directly to the ASO cube)

As previously mentioned, there are a couple way to do this. This method runs post save and pulls the necessary data from the cube and created two GridBuilders to submit the calculated accounts back to the databases. It would likely be more productive to pull the data from the grid the user entered it, assuming there were no other data points that were needed to calculate all the accounts. This would reduce the performance by one retrieve. This also connects to the BSO cube, and this may not even be in play if all the calculations were executed in Groovy and the forms connected to the ASO cube. So, I welcome all questions and constructive feedback, but understand this is one way to do this and it will be used to demonstrate the functionality. It doesn’t necessarily represent the best way to architect the plan types.

The data entry form is below. Some of the dimensions are hidden in the POV or Page Header. The columns just include the Period dimension. The rows, and this is important to understand because of the way the code loops, contain the vendors and the accounts.

Explaining the Code

On with the show! The first piece includes a couple functions that will be referenced in loops. I find repetitive logic like this placed in function to be more readable, but it certainly isn’t required.

// This function returns the POV member with or without quotes
// This is one operation I want to look into as it may not be required or may be executed better
def getPovMbr(member, boolean quotes = false) {
  if(quotes == true)
    return '"' + operation.grid.pov.find{it.dimName==member}.essbaseMbrName + '"'
    return operation.grid.pov.find{it.dimName==member}.essbaseMbrName
// This function returns a 1 if the value is 0.  The primary use of this is currency
// exchange.  In this example, the planners didn't enter 1 for a USD to USD conversion, 
// so somewhere a 1 needed to be assumed.
def checkZero(double dVal=0) {
  if(dVal == 0) {
    return 1
  else {
    return dVal
// This returns a true or false as to whether the account has a UDA identifying that 
// account as one that either does or doesn't get converted.
boolean convertCurrency(def account)
  Dimension AccountDim = operation.application.getDimension("Account")
  Member AccountMbr = AccountDim.getMember(account)
  def memberProps = AccountMbr.toMap()
    return false
    return true

The next piece is setting each POV member in a variable. If you have read some of my other posts, there are better ways to do this. For the sake of simplicity and trying to explain other concepts, I have chosen to do it this way.

// Set each POV to its own variable
String sCompany = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Company")
String sVersion = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Version")
String sScenario = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Scenario")
String sYear = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Years")
String sMaterialGroup = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Material_Group")
String sChannel = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Channel")
String sSource = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Source")

At this point, the administrative stuff is out of the way. The first thing this example does functional is to get the currency exchange rates for the month of the Entity selected. This would be a little more complex if it were converting income statement and balance sheet accounts because it would need to distinguish the difference so the correct rate (average or ending) was applied.

// Define the map to hold the appropriate rate.  This will be a map that has an entry for each month, with the value equal to 
// the conversion rate - Jan:.878, Feb:.899, ...
def currencyRates = [:]
// Build currency for the company by retrieving the correct POV from the plan type
Cube lookupCube = operation.application.getCube("ProfRev")
DataGridDefinitionBuilder builder = lookupCube.dataGridDefinitionBuilder()
builder.addPov(['Years', 'Scenario', 'Version','Channel','Material_Group','Source','Vendor','Currency','Account'],[[sYear],[sScenario],[sVersion],['No_Channel'],['No_Material_Group'],['Input'],['No_Vendor_Assigned'],['Local'],['End_C_Rate']])
builder.addColumn(['Period'], [ ['ILvl0Descendants("YearTotal")']])
builder.addRow(['Company'], [ [sCompany] ])
DataGridDefinition gridDefinition =

// Load the data grid from the lookupCube to the Map
lookupCube.loadGrid(gridDefinition, false).withCloseable { dataGrid ->
  dataGrid.dataCellIterator().each{ rate ->

Now that we have a map of the currency rates, the next piece will create the grids that will submit the calculated results back to the cubes. Remember, in this example, the data is being entered to a plan type that is a BSO cube. This will submit the results back to the BSO cube, but also to the corresponding reporting (ASO) cube. Since this is done post save (and we will assume post Smart Push), the data needs to be update in both places. Is this the best and most efficient way to do this? Probably not. Again, take it for what it is – an education on bypassing the Essbase calculations!

// Get list of vendors that are in the rows
def listVendors = operation.grid.rows.headers*.essbaseMbrName.collect {vendor, account -> return vendor}.unique()

// Create a list of calculated members that need to be in the grid
def listAccounts = ["Regular_Cases","Net_Sales","prodRev_Level_1","Cost_of_Sales_without_Samples","prodRev_Level_2","Depletion_Allowance_Manual_Chargeback"]

//prodRev Grid Setup
Cube prodRevCube = operation.application.getCube("prodRev")
Cube rprodRevCube = operation.application.getCube("rprodRev")

DataGridBuilder prodRevGrid = prodRevCube.dataGridBuilder("MM/DD/YYYY")
DataGridBuilder rprodRevGrid = rprodRevCube.dataGridBuilder("MM/DD/YYYY")


The next piece is replicating what would be in a typical Essbase calculation. This is the business logic and currency conversion.

// Define the currencies to be updated and sent back to the database
def lstCurrency = ["Local","USD"]
// loop through the grid the user entered their updates.  This will loop through each vendor, then loop
// through each account for each vendor
listVendors.each{ vendor ->
  listAccounts.each{ account ->
    // Create two variables to hold the calculated results for local and USD
    def sValues = []
    def sValuesUSD = []
    // Create two variables to hold all the monthly calculated results to be added to the grid to submit
    List addcells = new ArrayList()
    List addcellsUSD = new ArrayList() 
    // Run for 12 months - this would likely need to be dynamic for a form that included 
    // the option for forecast and plan
    ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'].each{cMonth ->
    // Calculate all the accounts
    double setValue
      switch (account) {
         case "Net_Sales":
           setValue = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Avg_Price/Case_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Regular_Cases",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
         case "prodRev_Level_1":
           double netSales = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Avg_Price/Case_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Regular_Cases",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
           setValue = netSales * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("prodRev_1_%_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
         case "Cost_of_Sales_without_Samples":
           double netSales = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Avg_Price/Case_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Regular_Cases",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
           double prodRev1 = netSales * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("prodRev_1_%_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
           setValue = netSales - prodRev1
         case "prodRev_Level_2":
           double netSales = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Avg_Price/Case_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Regular_Cases",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
           setValue = netSales * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("prodRev_2_%_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
         case "Depletion_Allowance_Manual_Chargeback":
           double netSales = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Avg_Price/Case_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("Regular_Cases",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
           double prodRev1 = netSales * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("prodRev_1_%_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
           double prodRev2 = netSales * operation.grid.getCellWithMembers("prodRev_2_%_Inp",cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
           setValue = netSales - prodRev1
           setValue = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers(account.toString(),cMonth.toString(),vendor.toString()).data
      // Update the variables that will be used to create the grid rows
      addcells << setValue
      // Convert Currency if account should be converted
      if(convertCurrency(account) == true){
        sValuesUSD.add(currencyRates[cMonth].toString().toDouble() * setValue)
        addcellsUSD << currencyRates[cMonth].toString().toDouble() * setValue
        addcellsUSD << setValue
    // After all 12 months are traversed calculated, add local and USD to the grid

The last piece is to submit the grids. The following will write to the log the number of cells accepted and rejected.

// After all vendors and account have been calculated, submit the grid to the respective database
DataGridBuilder.Status status = new DataGridBuilder.Status()
DataGridBuilder.Status rstatus = new DataGridBuilder.Status()
DataGrid grid =
DataGrid rgrid =
println("Total number of cells accepted: $status.numAcceptedCells")
println("Total number of cells rejected: $status.numRejectedCells")
println("First 100 rejected cells: $status.cellsRejected")
println("Total number of cells accepted: $rstatus.numAcceptedCells")
println("Total number of cells rejected: $rstatus.numRejectedCells")
println("First 100 rejected cells: $rstatus.cellsRejected")


Why Do this?

This would add complexity for those who don’t know Groovy.  It is a completely different thought process. But there are benefits.

  • Elimination of the BSO application creates a simpler model.
  • There is no requirement of data synchronization between the BSO and ASO cube.
  • Users will see cell history for all data that was changed, not just the data changed by a user directly.

That is not to say there aren’t drawbacks, because there are.  I am sure if you are experienced, you are already asking questions about clearing data, large allocations, and several other necessary components.

Is It Worth It?

Honestly, I don’t know yet. This is a complete paradigm shift in our world. The thought of calculating everything in Groovy and not having a BSO plan type is just completely foreign to me. The exploration of this option and documenting here surely proves my interest is peaked! Large allocations seem to be slower than BSO Essbase calculations. Everything else seems to be as quick or quicker. I think in the short term, having both gives us the best of both worlds, even with the additional need to synchronize the data between the two. Long term? Who knows. I never thought I would even be entertaining it, so I am not closing my mind to the possibility.

What do you think?


Backup Up Essbase Cloud (EssCS) Applications

The good news is migrating to the cloud doesn’t change a lot when it comes to backing up your Essbase applications.  Conceptually, it is the same.  The utilities used are slightly different.

Enter CLI

If you are new to Essbase on the cloud, the CLI, or command line interface, is something you will want to download and configure.  It is a pretty useful utility and easy to use.  I will say that it is new and missing a lot of functionality you may want.  I was just as frustrated using EPMAutomate with PBCS when it came out.  Three years later, however, EPMAutomate is pretty complete.  I am hoping for the same progression with CLI.  For backing up your apps, the CLI will give you everything you need.

Running An LCM Backup

There is really only one command that is a must.  I will get into why I say this in a second.  LcmExport will run an LCM and store it locally, which is a nice bonus.  There is no need for any other commands to download and rename it.

LcmExport has the following parameters.

  • -verbose (or -v) will provide a more complete response description, especially if there is an error
  • -application (or -a) requires an additional parameter that identifies your application name
  • -localdirectory (or -ld) requires an additional parameter that tell the command where to store the backup file
  • -zipfilename (or -z) requires an additional parameter and is the name of the LCM file that everything will be stored locally
  • -threads (or -T) requires an additional parameter equal to the number of threads you want to use to run the backup
  • -skipdata (or -skip) will tell the LCM to ignore the data in the application
  • -overwrite (or -o) is used will tell the process to overwrite the zip file if it exists
  • -password (or -p) requires an additional parameter to send the password to the command

At minimum, the application and zipfilename parameters are required.  The localdirectory and overwrite parameters will likely be used in every call you make as well.

C:\[cli foldername]\esscs.bat lcmExport -a Sample -z -ld c:/temp -o

Why This Isn’t Enough

I have always felt very strongly that data exports should be done because corruption will remain in the pag files until it is fixed, and often times, it isn’t found for days, weeks, or months.  At that point, you can’t export your data and you are in real trouble.  So, I don’t rely solely on the LCM backup strategy.

There are a couple ways to export the data.  With an on-premise implementation you might use Maxl to export the data.  The other option is to write a calculation that does the exports.  The calculations route will provide more option with formatting, the delimiter, and what data is included.  It might be a little slower, but since the inclusion of this option, I have relied on it ever since.

You could integrate Maxl at this point to do the same thing, but the CLI also provides you with the tools to do it if you use a calculation.  At this point, assume a calculation exists named FullExport that exports the data to application and database path on the server with a name of FullExport.txt.

At this point, there are two additional commands that will bulletproof your backup strategy.

C:\[cli foldername]\esscs calc -a Sample -d Basic -s
C:\[cli foldername]\esscs download -f FullExport.txt -a Sample -d Basic -ld c:/backup -o

Completing The Circle

Normally this would be executed through DOS, or my favorite, PowerShell.  This would allow the dynamic generation of the scripts so they could be reused.  Things like the application name, database name, local path, calc script, and possibly some others, would all be variables.  The result would be something produced similar to this.

C:\cli_utility\esscs login -url -u kylegoodfriend 
C:\cli_utility\esscs lcmExport  -a Sample -z -ld c:/Backups -o
C:\cli_utility\esscs calc -a Sample -d Basic -s
C:\cli_utility\esscs download -f FullBackup.txt -a Sample -d Basic -ld c:/Backups -o

I would add a step in my shell to rename this LCM and the data export downloaded with a date and time in the name.

REM Rename the LCM Zip file
ren c:\Backups\ Sample_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7, 
REM Rename the data export
ren c:\Backups\FullExport.txt Sample_Backup_%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%.txt 
REM Delete all files older than 30 days
forfiles /p c:\Backups /s /m *.* /D -30 /C "cmd /c del @path"

A Final Note

The calculation script referenced above would look something like this.  There are many options that can be set.  If you aren’t familiar with this, a quick google will get you what you need.

  DataExportLevel "LEVEL0";
  DataExportDynamicCalc OFF;
  DataExportNonExistingBlocks OFF;
  DataExportRelationalFile ON;
  DataExportOverwriteFile ON;
DATAEXPORT "File" "," "/Sample/Basic/FullExport.txt";

As always, post and share. If you have a question, do the same.

Use Valid Intersections To Bypass Smart Push Security Errors

If you have used Smart Pushes, you have undoubtedly run into security issues.  The PBCS development team is working on a way to bypass this, but there is no release date.  If you haven’t run into this, you probably have and didn’t know it.  Here is the issue.  Dimensional security is typically setup so that users only have access to write to specific accounts.  For example, they have access to update units and cost per unit, but not revenue because revenue is calculated by multiplying units and cost per unit.  The problem is that a Smart Push won’t push revenue because the user doesn’t have access to write to that account.  Said another way, when users update the components of revenue, the revenue itself doesn’t get pushed to the reporting cube because the user doesn’t have write access.  Here in lies the problem, as revenue won’t get updated until an administrator runs a Data Map.

I understand why Oracle did this, but with no ability to override it, it creates issues with Smart Pushes and real time reporting.

Before I continue, I want to thank Pete over at Essbase Down Under for this brilliant idea.  Enter stage left, valid intersections!

What Are Valid Intersections?

Normally, valid intersections are used to link drop down menus.  For example, once Honda is selected in the first menu, the second menu only shows the models related to Honda, like Accord, Civic, and Prelude.  If you know what a Prelude is, you have been doing this as long as I have!  Valid intersections can also limit what users have access to write too, like the rows a user has access to write to in a grid.  If valid intersections are setup on account and accounts are in the rows of a Data Form, the grid will show all the accounts, but the invalid accounts are greyed out and not editable.  Since this isn’t truly security, when the Smart Push is executed, the user has the access to push calculated accounts.

Why Not Cherry Pick Rows As Read Only?

Sure, rows can be set to read only.  If you are thinking about going down this path, beware!  There are some huge issues with this approach.

  1. As hierarchies change, forms will have to be manually changed.  By singling out specific rows, it means administrators lose the benefit of functions, like level 0 descendants.  So, rows will have to be manually maintained every time metadata changes.
  2. Since this is a form setting, users who run ad-hoc retrieves can still write data to these accounts.

Valid Intersections In Action

You might be thinking, yeah, but valid intersections also use level 0 descendants?  They do, but just like in forms, exclusions can be applied.

In the example below, the rows/accounts with the check marks have been setup to be valid with the working scenarios.

In this example, the dimensional security is set to write for all accounts on this form.  As visible below, the dimensional security is ignored.  Users have the access to the accounts needed, but can’t edit those that aren’t setup as valid intersections (selected in the valid intersections setup above).

When the form is saved, and the Smart Push executes, the Smart Push uses dimensional security.  All the data pushes since the users have write access to all accounts!

What About Ad-hoc?

Don’t worry, users can’t change data on the invalid intersections.  Well, sort of.  The rows for the invalid accounts are still greyed out.  Here is where it gets blurry.  Users can still edit the data in those cells, the ones that are grey.  Although this might be confusing to a user, it is ignored on submission.  Below shows the accounts in the above form, but in an ad-hoc.  Notice what happens when the first two rows are changed.  The first row is saved, but the second is not.  It returns to its original value.

Finishing Up

I wish there was a parameter in the Smart Pushes (Groovy or not) that allowed the form developer to set the permissions to use admin privileges.  Until this gets figured out with Oracle, this is a great way to fix the problem.  Everybody that uses Smart Push will run into this.  Setup dimensional security to write to all accounts.  Setup valid intersections for the accounts that users need to be able to edit.  And wallah!

Adventures in Groovy – Part 28: The DataGridBuilders

Gridbuilders are the link to moving data from BSO to ASO, and ASO to ASO.  Gridbuilders can also be used to save calculated results that are executed directly in Groovy.  If it jumped into your head, yes, you can completely bypass the Essbase calculation engine.  I have a coworker that has done exactly that – everything in Groovy and had all the forms connected directly to ASO!  There is an example of this in my presentation at KScope, Last Minute ODTUG Planning Sourvenirs.  Before we get too far ahead, back to the basics.

Welcome to Grids

Creating grids is the same as creating a Smart View report.  They have POVs, column and row headers, and of course, the data grid.

Gridbuilders come in two forms.

  1. The DataGridDefinitionBuilder is used to read data.
  2. The DataGridBuilder is used to submit data.

The later can use functions like ILvl0Descendants and can suppress missing rows.  Both can return status information about the volume of data the grid retrieves/submits.

The DataGridDefinitionBuilder

The first grid discussed will be the reader grid.  This grid can be used in processes to get currency tables, read data to be used in calculations, or make decisions on the logic to execute.  It can also be used to be the source of data moved to another location or plan type.  Try not to make this too complicated.  It really is exactly the same as a Smart View adhoc retrieve.

The first step is to create a connection to the cube, or plan type, and initiate the GridDefinitionBuilder object.

// Setup the connection to the plan type
Cube cube = operation.application.getCube("Plan1")
//Create the grid definition builder
DataGridDefinitionBuilder builder = cube.dataGridDefinitionBuilder

Now that the object is created and connected to a source, the next step is to setup the grid.  This can be done in any order that makes sense to you because it isn’t used until the grid is built.  Personally, I start with the POV.  If you understand collections, particularly lists, this will seem pretty simple.  If you don’t know what Groovy lists are, read Part 27: Understanding Collections.  Creating the POV requires two parameters.  The first is the list of dimensions.  The second is the list of members in the corresponding dimensions.  The first parameter is one list (a comma delimited list inside brackets).  The second parameter is a list of lists.  I will explain why a little later.  Each sub-list has only one member, but it is still a list.  The format of this is [[member1],[member2]].  So, it is a comma delimited list of embedded lists.  It is important to understand this.  If you are just replicating this example, you are doing yourself an injustice because you will struggle when you start throwing in variables and trying to create efficient ways to create these based off of a POV of the grid the user interacts with.

// Add the POV – Dimensions and a collection of the members in those dimensions
builder.addPov(['Years', 'Scenario', 'Currency', 'Period', 'Version', 'Entity’], [['FY16'], ['Current'], ['Local'], ['BegBalance'], ['BU Version_1'], ['No Entity’]])

The next thing I do is create the columns.  Again, understanding lists is critical to become efficient with these classes and methods.  I will sound like a broken record, but I wish I had somebody tell me this 6 months ago.  The column requires the same two parameters in the same formats.  The first is a list of the dimensions.  The second is a list of the lists of members associated to those dimensions.  The difference from the POV is that multiple members can be added to each dimension.  It might be more clear why the second parameter is a list of lists, now.  If it wasn’t, distinguishing which members related to which dimensions would be a jumbled mess with just a comma delimited list of members.  Just like with Smart View, columns can have multiple headers.

// Add the columns – 2 parameters, collection of dimensions and 
// collection of collections of members in those dimensions
builder.addColumn(['Years', 'Account’],
[['Children(Years)'],['Min Salary','Max Salary','Min Bonus','Max Bonus']])

The rows are identical to the columns, so I won’t repeat the narrative above.

// Add rows no data - in this class as it is retrieving data
builder.addRow(['Grades'], [ ['ILvl0Descendants("Grades")']])

Before we proceed, the addColumn and addRow methods can be replicated multiple times (you know this as segments in developing data forms).

Now that the grid is constructed, execute the build method to create the object with all its properties.

// Build the grid
DataGridDefinition gridDefinition =

Finally, load the grid, which is the equivalent of refreshing a Smart View template.

// Load a data grid from the specified grid definition and cube
DataGrid dataGrid = cube.loadGrid(gridDefinition, false)

At this point, the grid acts just like a data form.  All the methods and classes are available just as they are on forms.  These grids can be iterated, just like web forms.

The DataGridBuilder

The DataGridBuilder is the class used to submit data to the database.  The construction and use is similar to the DefinitionBuilder, except the use of functions is not relevant, and rather than loading data to the grid, the data is saved to the database.

// Setup the connection to the plan type
Cube cube = operation.application.getCube("Plan1") 
DataGridBuilder builder = cube.dataGridBuilder("MM/DD/YYYY")

What we are creating below would look like this if it was done in Smart View.

Setting up the POV is similar to above, except this time there is no requirement to pass a list.  Also, the identification of the dimensions is not necessary.  All that is needed is a comma delimited list of members.

// Setup the grid POV, Rows, and Columns
builder.addPov('Salary', 'Current', 'Local', 'BU Version_1’)

Setting up the columns is also slightly different.  The dimensions are again missing and the members are all that is required.  Also, there is a line for each dimension rather than passing it in lists as multiple parameters.  This is exactly the same as setting up a Smart View template.  Each column has to be set.  The example below has 3 columns made up of the year and period dimensions.

builder.addColumn('FY16', 'FY16', 'FY16’)
builder.addColumn('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar’)

The rows are similar in that there is a slight difference from the DefinitionBuilder, but it does require two parameters.  Each is a list.  The first includes the members of the dimensions in the row headers.  The second are the corresponding values to the column headers above.  The following adds the members from the department and employee, and sets the values for Jan through March of FY16.

// Add rows to the grid
builder.addRow(['Department 1', 'Employee 1'], [30000, 30000, 30000]) 
builder.addRow(['Department 5', 'Employee 2'], [40000, 40000, 40000])
builder.addRow(['Department 1', 'Employee 3'], [30000, 30000, 30000])

Once the grid is laid out, and this can be done before the grid is defined, a status object is created to hold the results of the submission of data.

// Create a status class to hold the results
DataGridBuilder.Status status = new DataGridBuilder.Status()

At this point, the grid can be built.  The difference with this object is that the status object is passed.  That status object can be used to evaluate if records will be submitted and if any will be rejected.

// Build the grid – basically a refresh/retrieve
DataGrid grid =
println("Total number of cells accepted: status.numAcceptedCells")
println("Total number of cells rejected: status.numRejectedCells")
println("First 100 rejected cells: status.cellsRejected")

Finally, save the grid to submit the data to the database.

// Save the data to the cube

Finish Up

This all seems pretty simple.  I can’t say it enough.  Spend some time understanding Groovy collections, especially how to manipulate them.  I guarantee the time you spend will be time well spent.  I will be posting another article on how to diagnose issues and troubleshoot grid errors, whether it be grids that won’t return results, or grids that won’t save data.  Hope this was valuable!


Adventures in Groovy – Part 27: Understanding Collections

Because so many methods in PBCS require parameters that are maps and lists, it is very important to your productivity and effectiveness to understand, use, and be able to manipulate collections.  Collections include lists, maps, and ranges.  These are based on Java collection types and include a ton of useful methods.  This article will cover lists and maps.

  • Lists are objects that are embedded in brackets and separated by commas, like [Jan, Feb, Mar].
  • Maps are also known as associative arrays and are similar to lists.  Each element is separated by a colon, like  [Revenue:678979, Expense:34387].

Not to jump too far ahead, but these objects aren’t limited to holding strings.  They can hold numeric values, lists inside of lists, maps inside of lists, or really almost any combination of these objects.

Time Well Spent

There is a lot of information in this post.  Before you page down, or read a little and get bored, I highly recommend you invest the time and understand the content.  The feedback from everybody that I gave this information to prior to this post said it made a huge impact and really cleared up a lot of questions they had.

A Little About Lists and Maps And Why Understanding It Is Important

Lists and Maps are used in a number of places that are frequently used in Groovy calculations.  Gridbuilder and DataMap objects are dependent on these objects.  You may be building the POV by embedding strings into what is actually a list without even knowing it. I have done this in previous examples to keep it simple and explainable.

String sYear = '"' + operation.grid.pov.find{it.dimName =='Years'}.essbaseMbrName + '"'
String sScenario = '"' + operation.grid.pov.find{it.dimName =='Scenario'}.essbaseMbrName + '"'
String sCompany = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers().getMemberName("Company")
String sChannel = '"' + operation.grid.pov.find{it.dimName =='Channel'}.essbaseMbrName + '"'
String sMaterialGroup = '"' + operation.grid.pov.find{it.dimName =='Material_Group'}.essbaseMbrName + '"'

operation.application.getDataMap("[name of map]").execute(["Company":sCompany,"Channel":sChannel,"Material_Group":sMaterialGroup,"Vendor":sVendor,"Scenario":sScenario,"Version":"OEP_Working","Years":sYear,"Source":"NBF_Source","Currency":"Local,USD","Account":accountPush],true)

builder.addPov(['Years', 'Scenario', 'Version', 'Company','Channel','Material_Group','Source','Vendor','View'], [sYear.tokenize(), sScenario.tokenize(), ['OEP_Working'], [sCompany],['Tot_Channel'],['Total_Material_Group'],['Tot_Source'],['Tot_Vendor'],['MTD']])

Since the POV and DataMap include lists and maps, building them can also be done by pulling the grid POV, which is a map.   Lists can be extracted from the map.  There are some additional members that are required that are not in the Web Form, so a few dimensions have to be added.

Hopefully the following example will emphasize the importance of understanding these objects and the methods associated to them.  The above is not a ton of work, but replicating this hundreds of times and having the foresight to think about how functions can be reused  highlights why understanding lists, and understanding Groovy, will help you provide solutions that are more manageable to maintain.  The following replicates what was above in a more effective and readable way, in my opinion.  It may seem more complex, but give it a chance.  I think you will find it easier once you understand it, and less work to develop Groovy calculations.

Example Setup

Assume the user changes Units for Jan, Feb, and Mar for NBF1 in the Data Form below.  Net Sales is impacted as it is calculated.  The business rule that runs calculates currency, so that will also have to be included in the DataMap and GridBuilder.

The POV for the form looks like this.

Replicating The DataMap Using A Groovy Map Object

Executing a Data Map uses a Groovy map built from the Data Form POV.  Currency has to be altered.  The edited rows and columns are appended.  For a complete explanation of how to get the edited cells, read Part 3: Acting On Edited Cells.

// Create a map from the data form POV
def povMap = [:]
operation.grid.pov.each{povMap[$it.dimName] = $it.essbaseMbrName}
// Update Currency to include Local AND USD 
povMap['Currency'] = 'Local,USD' 
// Add the vendor and accounts that have been changed 
povMap2.put('Period', sPeriods)
povMap2.put('Account', accountPush)
povMap2.put ('Vendor', sVendor)
// Execute the data map with all the dimensional overrides
operation.application.getDataMap("[name of generic map]").execute(povMap,true)

Let’s walk through the results of the script.  The povMap when created from the Data Form starts with

  • [Version:OEP_Working,
  • Source:NBF_Source,
  • Currency:Local,
  • Company:BILB,
  • Years:FY18,
  • Scenario:OEP_Plan,
  • Material_Group:mI03,
  • Channel:c01]

Once this map is created, there are some edits made.

  1. Currency is changed from Local to Local, USD.
  2. Periods is added as Jan, Feb, Mar.
  3. Account is added as Units, Net_Sales.
  4. Vendors is added as NBF1.

This method requires fewer lines, is much easier to repeat, is easier to read, and can be reused for other functions.

Replicating The GridBuilder POV Using A Groovy Map Object

Assume the data is now going to be replicated to another cube using a GridBuilder.  In the example available in Part 21: Real Time Data Movement (Getting REALLY Groovy), the data is moved to a P&L cube at a summary level and doesn’t include the channel, material group, and vendor dimensions.  A new Groovy map can be created (which we will do here), or we can alter the existing one above.  The source grid would then need to pull data at the total of all these dimensions.  Currency and Period need to be removed as they are in the columns.  Account will be removed and placed in the rows.

def povGridMap = [:]
operation.grid.pov.each{povGridMap[it.dimName] = it.essbaseMbrName}

// Remove dimensions that will be in the rows and columns

// Add View dimiension
povGridMap['View'] = 'MTD'

// Change the dimensions that need to pull totals
povGridMap['Channel'] = 'Total_Channel'
povGridMap['Material_Group'] = 'Total_Material_Group' 
povGridMap['Vendor'] = 'Total_Vendor' // Another way to add a new element to the map

builder.addPov(povGridMap.keySet() as List, povGridMap.values().collect{[it]} as List)
// the reason this requires the as List notation is because the addPOV method requires 
// the parameter to be a list type
// From the Java Docs:
// void setPov(java.util.List<java.lang.String> dimensions,
//             java.util.List<java.util.List<java.lang.String>> members)

Let’s walk through the results of the script.  The povMap when created from the Data Form starts with

  • [Version:OEP_Working,
  • Source:NBF_Source,
  • Currency:Local,
  • Company:BILB,
  • Years:FY18,
  • Scenario:OEP_Plan,
  • Material_Group:mI03,
  • Channel:c01]

The edits are then made and the result is

  • [Version:OEP_Working,
  • Source:NBF_Source,
  • Company:BILB,
  • Years:FY18,
  • Scenario:OEP_Plan,
  • Material_Group:Total_Material_Group,
  • Channel:Total_Channel,
  • Vendor:Total_Vendor]

Moving On

Hopefully the difference in the two strategies inspires you to learn a little more about the objects and methods below.

The remainder of this article shows examples that will be extremely useful, and some that will just give you some insight to what is possible.


Creating And Editing Lists

Lists can be created and referenced a number of ways.  Empty lists can be created.

def emptyList = []

Lists can be created by adding the elements.

Def q1List = [‘Jan’,’Feb’,’Mar’]

Lists can be altered by adding new elements.

def q2List = [‘Apr’]
q2List << (‘May’)


q2List.addAll(['Apr', 'May', 'Jun'])

They can even be added at specific places.

def q2List = ['Apr']
q2List << ('Jun')
q2List.put(1,'May') // which places it after Apr and before Jun

Elements can be edited based on location.

q2List.set(1,'May') // second item
q2List[-2]'May' // go back 2 from end
q2List[1]'May' / second item

Elements can be removed from lists.

q2List << (‘Jul’)


q2List.removeIf{it == 'Jul'}


 ['a','b','c','b','b'] - ['b','c'] // result is ['a']
Iterating Lists

Iterating on elements of a list is usually done by using one of the following.

  • each
  • eachWithIndex (same as each but include the index of the element)
['Jan','Feb','Mar'].each { month ->
    println "Item: $month"
// With the index of the element
['Jan','Feb','Mar'].eachWithIndex { month, index ->
    println "Item: $month is index $index"

The list can be altered while iterating, too.  This doesn’t update the list.  It only produces a new list.

println [1, 2, 3].collect { it * 2 }  //would produce [2, 4, 6]
Manipulating lists
Filtering and searching

There are tons of filtering and searching options.  The following are examples, but it isn’t even close to an exhaustive list.  Hopefully it will inspire some thought as to how you can use these methods.

// find 1st element matching criteria
[1, 2, 3].find { it > 1 } // results in 2

// find all elements matching criteria
[1, 2, 3].findAll { it > 1 } // results in [2, 3]

// find index of 1st element matching criteria
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'].findIndexOf {it in ['c', 'e', 'g']} // results in 2

['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c'].indexOf('c') // index returned (2)
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c'].indexOf('z') // index -1 means value not in list
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'c'].lastIndexOf('c') // 4 is returned

[1, 2, 3].every { it < 5 }               // returns true if all elements match the predicate

![1, 2, 3].every { it < 3 }

[1, 2, 3].any { it > 2 }                 // returns true if any element matches the predicate

![1, 2, 3].any { it > 3 }

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sum() == 21                // sum anything with a plus() method
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'].sum() // 'abcde'
[['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']].sum() // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

// an initial value can be provided
[].sum(1000) //  1000

[1, 2, 3].sum(1000) //  1006

[1, 2, 3].join('-') //  '1-2-3'

def list = [9, 4, 2, 10, 5]
list.max() // 10
list.min() // 2

// we can also compare single characters, as anything comparable
assert ['x', 'y', 'a', 'z'].min() // 'a'

// we can use a closure to specify the sorting behavior
def list2 = ['abc', 'z', 'xyzuvw', 'Hello', '321']
list2.max { it.size() } //  'xyzuvw'
list2.min { it.size() } //  'z'

['a','b','c'].contains('a')      // true

[1,3,4].containsAll([1,4])       // true

[1,2,3,3,3,3,4,5].count(3)  // 4

Groovy offers a variety of options to sort lists, from using closures to comparators.

[6, 3, 9, 2, 7, 1, 5].sort() // [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9]
def list = ['abc', 'z', 'xyzuvw', 'Hello', '321']
list.sort {it.size()} // ['z', 'abc', '321', 'Hello', 'xyzuvw']

def list2 = [7, 4, -6, -1, 11, 2, 3, -9, 5, -13]



In Groovy, maps (also known as associative arrays) can be created using the map literal syntax: [:].  Maps are use to create associations between two or more elements.  They can be used to lookup values like currency rates, map accounts from one plan type to another, and a host of other things.  Many of the API methods require maps to be passed.

def map = [name: 'Gromit', likes: 'cheese', id: 1234]
map.get('name')   //  'Gromit'
map.get('id')   // 1234
map['name']   // 'Gromit'
map['id'] == 1234

def emptyMap = [:]
emptyMap.size()   // 0
emptyMap.put("foo", 5)
emptyMap.size()   // 1
emptyMap.get("foo")   // 5
Map Notation

Maps also act like joins so you can use the property notation to get/set items inside the Map as long as the keys are strings which are valid Groovy identifiers:

def map = [name: 'Gromit', likes: 'cheese', id: 1234]   // 'Gromit'  -    can be used instead of map.get('name')   // 1234

def emptyMap = [:]
emptyMap.size()   // 0 = 5
emptyMap.size()   // 1   // 5
Iterating Maps

Maps makes use of the each and eachWithIndex methods to itarate through maps, just like Lists.

def map = [
        Bob  : 42,
        Alice: 54,
        Max  : 33

// Loop through each item
map.each { entry ->
    println "Name: $entry.key Age: $entry.value"

// add an index
map.eachWithIndex { entry, i ->
    println "$i - Name: $entry.key Age: $entry.value"

// Alternatively you can use key and value directly
map.each { key, value ->
    println "Name: $key Age: $value"

// Key, value and i as the index in the map
map.eachWithIndex { key, value, i ->
    println "$i - Name: $key Age: $value"

Manipulating Maps

Adding/Removing Elements

Adding an element to a map can be done either using the put method, the subscript operator or using putAll.

def defaults = [1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd']
def overrides = [2: 'z', 5: 'x', 13: 'x']

def result = new LinkedHashMap(defaults)
result.put(15, 't')
result[17] = 'u'
result.putAll(overrides) // [1: 'a', 2: 'z', 3: 'c', 4: 'd', 5: 'x', 13: 'x', 15: 't', 17: 'u']

Removing all the elements of a map can be done by calling the clear method:

def m = [1:'a', 2:'b']
println m.get(1) //  'a'
Filtering and searching

It is useful to search and filter maps, and here are some examples of this functionality.

def people = [
    1: [name:'Bob', age: 32, gender: 'M'],
    2: [name:'Johnny', age: 36, gender: 'M'],
    3: [name:'Claire', age: 21, gender: 'F'],
    4: [name:'Amy', age: 54, gender:'F']

def bob = people.find { == 'Bob' } // find a single entry
def females = people.findAll { it.value.gender == 'F' }

// both return entries, but you can use collect to retrieve the ages for example
def ageOfBob = bob.value.age
def agesOfFemales = females.collect {
// ageOfBob == 32, agesOfFemales == [21,54]

def agesOfMales = people.findAll { id, person -> person.gender == 'M'}.collect { id, person ->
// agesOfMales == [32, 36]

// `any` returns true if any entry matches the predicate
people.any { id, person -> person.age == 54 }


There is a lot of information and examples here.  What I hope you walk away with is an understanding of what a list and a map is, most importantly.  Understanding how to use these in the API is really important, and manipulating them will save you a ton of time and unnecessary code.