Adventures in Groovy – Part 2: Data Validation


We all know the Data Form validation rules are serviceable, but they are not robust.  When Smart View advanced and forms were opened in Excel, the validation logic developers had in JavaScript became useless.  Since then, we have really missed the ability to communicate with the user interactively with visual cues and validation rules that halted the saving of data.  Well, Groovy calculations to the rescue!

I will preface with the fact that I am encountering some odd behavior, so I am going to break this up into multiple articles.  It appears that Oracle is validating Groovy enhancements in Data Forms on the web, and not necessarily testing the full functionality in Smart View.  Currently, I have this working in a browser perfectly, but 3 of the 8 columns are failing in Smart View.  I am hoping to get closure to a ticket on this in the near future.  When I get a resolution, I will amend this article with some clarity on either what I am doing wrong, or when it will be resolved.

High Level requirement

At a high level, the planners want to see any seeded value that was changed with a different background color to single out the lines that have been edited.

The Details

We have a form that provides the users the ability to override seeded data.  In this example, a planner can change the Average Price/Case, Net Sales, and/or GP Level 2 at any level of the hierarchy and gets allocated down to level 0 on a % to Total.  This form has the accounts in question for 3 sources.  The override columns are a separate version that is set to top down so security doesn’t prevent them from entering at a non-level 0 member.  This is only used to enter the 3 values, is used to calculate the Input source, and is cleared.

The Initialized source is seeded from prior year growth.  This, in essence, is the basline seeded amount.  At initialization, the Input source is a duplicate of Initialized source.


The Initialized source is also on the form.  When overrides are entered, it is applied to the input source.  At this point in the process, the Input is different from the Initialized source, as shown by the orange color in the previous image.

Why Not Validation Rules?

First, there is limited functionality in the Data Form validation rules.  In this case, the functionality is there, but has an issue with the precision of the data.  Even though Input equals Initialized (or appears to),  validation fails and shows a different background color.  I have seen this before with decimals with large precision.

How Groovy Solves This

Groovy calculations have the ability to traverse through the cells of a Data Form.  The 8 cells that can be impacted by the 3 overrides can be checked against their counterpart in subsequent columns (comparing the same account in the Input source to the Initialized source).  This is for another discussion, but Groovy can actually create temp grids and pull data directly from Essbase that doesn’t exist in the grid, too.

To simplify this, the following only loops through the first column – Avg Price / Case.  This can be replicated easily for all subsequent columns by changing the account in question.

This example uses several Groovy methods/functions.  First, the data grid is stored in a variable, as it will be referenced throughout.  Next, we are using the dataCellIterator, which is the same in the previous post on Groovy.  If you didn’t read that, or don’t understand the iterator, check that out.

At this point, the calculation is requesting to loop through all the cells with Avg Price/Case AND Input in the POV.  Inside the loop, lDestMembers is set to a list equal to all the members in the POV for the relative cell.  memberNames returns every member in the POV in a Groovy list.

The next step is getting the value for the corresponding cell in the Initialized source.  getCellWithMembers accomplishes this with the appropriate parameters passed.  This function accepts member names, so all the members in the Input cell’s POV are used, excluding the source dimension.  This is changed to Initialize.

Lastly, the comparison is made between the two cells.  If they are not identical, setBgColor is executed on the Input source cell to identify it as something that has changed due to an override.

The Calculation

// Initialize a grid
DataGrid curDataGrid = operation.grid
// Set the color to be used if the values are not identical
def iColor = 16746496
// Loop through the cells in column that has
//  Average Price/Case and Input in the POV
    // Get the POV for the cell
    def lDestMembers = it.memberNames
    // get the value in the Initialized source that is equivalent to
    // the cell in the Input Source.  The POV form the Input source
    // is used with the exception of the source is changed to Initialize
    def dValue = operation.grid.getCellWithMembers(lDestMembers[0].toString(),
    // if the value is different between the Input and Initialized source,
    // change the background color
    if( != dValue)

Data Form Changes

This new Groovy Business Rule should be added to the form and executed on load and save.  This will ensure that the accounts that have been changed are identified both before, and after, the user makes any changes.  One more note that might save you hours of frustration – make sure this rule runs last when other rules are also executed!


This opens up a lot of options that far surpass the default form validations.  Other options are available.

  • Tool-tips can also be assigned to a cell instructing the user how to resolve a validation error, if one exists.
  • The form save can be interrupted, stopping the user from saving data on a form (or even saving only parts of the form) when validation errors exist.
  • Data can be altered to force validation prior to saving.
  • Detailed messages can be displayed with instructions and other communication to the user.
  • Have specific calculations executed based on the data entered.

This is not an exhaustive list.  We, as developers and architects, literally can do anything we want and have complete control over what happens and what doesn’t happen.  This is exciting because we have nearly complete control over what happens on save.  If you have other ideas, or questions, please share them with comments.

My Adventures in Groovy Calculations – Part 1

What Is Groovy

Recently, Groovy scripting was added to ePBCS business rules as an option instead of the GUI, or the go-to scripting for you old-timers who still refuse to change.  These are defined in the Business Rule editor as Groovy calculations.  So, what is Groovy?

“Apache Groovy is an object-oriented programming language for the Java platform. It is a dynamic language with features similar to those of Python, Ruby, Perl, and Smalltalk. It can be used as a scripting language for the Java Platform, is dynamically compiled to Java virtual machine (JVM) bytecode, and interoperates with other Java code and libraries. Groovy uses a Java-like curly-bracket syntax. Most Java code is also syntactically valid Groovy, although semantics may be different.”

If you haven’t heard of Groovy, you may want to do some research.  Oracle is using more and more Groovy in applications as administrative options and a communication method between applications.  Groovy is a standard and can be used with millions of applications and websites with the REST API.

What Groovy Script/Calculations Are Not

Groovy calculations are not java-based calculations.  It is not a new calculation language.  It does provide a way to interact with a Data Form in ePBCS and build a calculation script dynamically.  So, Groovy, in the context of Groovy Calculation Scripts, does not connect to Essbase via Groovy Business Rules. It simply builds a string that is sent to Essbase as a calculation.  It does, however, interact with Planning and that is where the power starts.  With the ability to have all the Groovy functionality to manipulate strings and now the ability to interact with the data form, dynamic calculations can be built.  The calculation script sent to Essbase is no different, but the script can now be dynamically generated based on things like, the POV, the text value of a Smart List, whether the values in the grid were updated, whether the data entered meets validation criteria, and other similar things.

If you are experienced with Hyperion Planning, you may have dabbled with JavaScript to do data validation, calculate data prior to the user submitting it, or prevent users from submitting data.  It was a great option to provide feedback to users, but that basically was useless when Smart View allowed users to open Data Forms in Excel. The JavaScript did nothing unless the form was opened in an internet browser.

Getting Started

The first step in creating a Groovy Calculation Script is to, well, create one.  To do that, create a new business ruleChange the view from Designer to Edit Script.  If you haven’t noticed this before, it provides a way to toggle the GUI to a script view.

Next, find the drop-down box in the toolbar to the far right named Script Type.  This option will read Calc Script.  Change it to Groovy Script.

AAt this point, the script window is now set to validate Groovy script, not Essbase syntax. Even though it doesn’t do anything yet, you have just created your first Groovy Business Rule!

Use Cases

There is a lot of potential in this functionality.  To get you thinking, here are some examples:

  1. Execute calculations on large sparse dimensions on ONLY the members that changed on the form.
  2. Access the Smart List text to do validation, use in calculations, and store for later use in Essbase (maybe save a member name in a member that is numeric, like employee ID, Cost Center, or account).
  3. Perform validation before the calculation is built and sent to Essbase. For example, if the sum of a column used to allocate dollars doesn’t sum to 100, send a calculation that ONLY returns a message and doesn’t perform the allocation.
  4. Perform text manipulation previously done in Essbase with functions.  Concatenating member names and truncating member name prefixes and date formats are some of the few I use regularly.  Many of these functions are extremely slow and force the calculation to execute in serial mode, so to be able to do them outside the script is now an option.

Real World Example

The Problem

I am working with a client who wants to override the result of driver-based calculations based on historical trends.  In this example, the volume of cases can be changed and the profit rate can be adjusted.  Once the form is saved, the overrides need to be removed.

Here-in lies the challenge.  If the overrides are removed and the calculation runs on all members in the form, the results would revert back to what they were prior to the override because the override values no longer exist in the database or Data Form.  So, rather than perform the calculation on the override, it would use #missing  or zero, and take the results right back to what the drivers dictated.  The most obvious way around this issue is to execute the calculation on ONLY the rows (vendors in this example) that were edited. In other words, dynamically generate the FIX statement on the vendors that were updated.

The Non-Groovy FIX Statement

Without Groovy, the FIX statement would include @RELATIVE(“Vendor”,0) to run the calculation on all venders on the Data Form.  This has 2 issues.  One, it calculates all the vendors and will change the vendors back to the pre-override values.  Two, every time the user saves the form, the fix is traversing through 30,000 possible vendors.  Although most companies have less than 8,000 active vendors, it still poses a performance issue calculating 8,000 blocks when only a few typically change.

The only aspect of the calculation that is going to change in this situation is the FIX statement, so that will be the only piece shown in the comparison between a Groovy script and a non-Groovy script.


The Groovy FIX Statement

Since Groovy can dynamically create the calculation script, it looks more like the example below. The sPov will be a string variable in Groovy that holds all the members in the data form’s POV.  The sVendors Groovy variable will hold the list of vendors that have been edited.


@RELATIVE(“Vendor”,0), which would produce a list of every vendor in the hierarchy, is replaced with “V300000300040003”, “V300000300060001”, “V300000300070002”.

The issue of running the calculation on vendors that have not been edited has now been solved.  An added benefit is that the calculation runs on 3 of the 8,000 blocks, so what took 30 seconds now completes in under a second.

Now, The Interesting Part

Let’s dissect the Groovy calculation script piece by piece.

Setting The Stage

For Groovy to perform operations, there are a few housekeeping items that need to be addressed.  First, a few string builders need to be created to store some variables of strings that grow through the process and are concatenated to Essbase calculation before it is submitted for processing.

There are some variables used to interact with the form’s data grid.  For easy reference to the grid through the script, the grid object is stored in a variable (curgrid).  Next, a variable is created to hold the result of the cells that have been edited (itr).    The likelihood that these variables would exist in most of the scripts is high, so it might make sense to get familiar with these objects and their parameters.

//Get current Data Form
DataGrid curgrid = operation.getGrid()

// Construct a string builder
// Holds the calculation script sent to Essbase
StringBuilder scriptBldr = StringBuilder.newInstance()

// Holds the value for the venders that have changed
StringBuilder vendorList = StringBuilder.newInstance()
String sVendors

// Iterater which gives you only the edited cells
GridIterator itr = curgrid.getDataCellIterator(PredicateUtils.invokerPredicate("isEdited"))

// Holds the list of members from the POV – the function returns an array, so this
// parsed the array and places quotes around each member and separates them with a comma
String sPov = '"' + curgrid.getPov().essbaseMbrName.join(',').replaceAll(',','","') + '"'

At this point the values of the variables are as follows.

Find the Vendors That Have Changed

We know the users will enter overrides in this Data Form (Case Growth and Average Price).  The following piece of the Groovy script will build a delimited list of those vendors based on the rows that have been edited.  It will include quotes around the member names to account for any member names that are numeric or have special characters and will be separated by a comma.  Groovy provides the ability to append to a string with <<”””, and close it with “””.  The if statement ensures that a vendor will not be appended to the string if multiple columns are changed.

// Loop through each cell that was edited and build the vendor list
// If multiple cells on the same row are edited, only add vendor once
itr.each{ DataCell cell ->
  sVendors = cell.getMemberName("Vendor")
  if(vendorList.indexOf(sVendors) < 0){
    vendorList <<"""

At this point, only a few variables have changed. The bulk of the Groovy functionality is finished.  We now have the POV and the list of vendors that need to be in the FIX statement.

The Essbase Calculation

The next section will append text to the scriptBldr string.  This string will ultimately be sent to Essbase as the calculation to be performed.  Groovy variables are embedded and replaced with the value that they were set to previously.  The two used in this calculation are $vendorList and $sPOV.  Other than those two pieces, everything else is pulled from the original Business Rule and highlighted in red below.

// Add the calculation defined in a business rule to the string variable
// the POV and Vendor List will be used to dynamically set the FIX statement
scriptBldr <<"""
VAR v_Price;


  /* Calculate Overrides */
  v_Price = "Avg_Price/Case"->"YearTotal";

  "Regular_Cases" = (1 + "Case_Growth_Rate"->"BegBalance") * 
  IF("Avg_Price/Case_Inp"->"BegBalance" == #Missing)
    "Net_Sales" = (v_Price) * (1 + "Case_Growth_Rate"->"BegBalance") * 
    "Net_Sales" = ("Avg_Price/Case_Inp"->"BegBalance") * 
                  (1 + "Case_Growth_Rate"->"BegBalance") *
                  "Regular_Cases"->"FY16"->"Final" ;

  IF("GP_2_%_Inp"->"BegBalance" == #Missing)
    "GP_Level_2" = ("GP_Level_2_%"->"YearTotal"->"FY16"->"Final") * "Net_Sales" ;
    "GP_Level_2" = ("GP_2_%_Inp"->"BegBalance") * "Net_Sales" ;


  CLEARDATA "Avg_Price/Case_Inp"->"BegBalance";
  CLEARDATA "GP_2_%_Inp"->"BegBalance";
  CLEARDATA "Case_Growth_Rate"->"BegBalance";

At this point, the scriptBldr variable is a complete Essbase calculation that can be validated in any Business Rule.

Finishing UP

The last thing required is to send the calculation text built above to Essbase.

println scriptBldr // Sends the script to the log
return scriptBldr // Sends the script to Essbase

Verifying What Was Sent To Essbase

When the Data Form is saved, the results in the form can be validated back to the logic to verify that the calculation worked as expected.  Regardless of whether the calculation executes with or without failing, the value of scriptBldr ( calculation sent to Essbase) is captured in the Job console.

In the Job console, click the Job Status link.  This includes the value of the scriptBldr variable.  The text can be copied from this window, and if it failed to execute, can be copied into a Business Rule and validated there to find the issue.

Wrapping Up

I will admit that I am not a Java programmer, so I am still educating myself on the potential this affords developers.  I am struggling to digest the API documentation and to truly understand the depth of the possibilities. I do know this opens up a whole world we didn’t have with Hyperion Planning. I plan on learning and using Groovy calculations more and more because of the possibilities it provides.  Look for more examples and knowledge sharing as I get my hands around the API and integrate this into more delivery solutions.  To get future publications, sign up to be notified about new posts and articles at