Hybrid Planning / Essbase Gotchas

Having the best of both worlds, ASO and BSO, doesn’t come without some gotchas.  Before you jump in with both feet, beware of some things that are not supported in hybrid.  As of Friday, May 22, 2020, @ISMBR in planning does NOT work.  I don’t know if this is a bug, but it is not documented as a function that doesn’t exist.  What is documented is the following.  There isn’t a ton in this post, but I thought it would be beneficial to share this as a warning, as well as an easy way to find the list. If you find more things that don’t work, please share with the community.

  • @ACCUM
  • @IRR
  • @IRREX
  • @NPV
  • @PTD
  • @SHIFT
  • @SLN
  • @STDEV
  • @SYD
  • @TREND
  • @XREF