Bug Report: EPM Automate

A bug with EPM Automate has been identified.  This is not replicated on every version or client.  Please pay attention to any EPM Automate  updates installed.  In the past, I was able to install the latest version without any issues.  Currently, the install prompts users to uninstall the older version.  In the past, this worked as expected, but now, when selected, this has no effect and the new EPM Automate is NOT installed, leaving you with the existing version.  I noticed that this goes VERY fast, like nothing was updated.  If you experience a similar, sub second installation, you may have the same issue.

Oracle has assigned a bug number to this issue, but no release date has been assigned to a fix.  The following is not a public bug.


When you update EPM Automate, validate the install worked by running EPM Automate and checking the version number.

The version should generally reflect the date of download, if you download this from Oracle’s website.  The version above signifies a release of December, 2017 (17.12).

If the version doesn’t change and shows a prior install version date, go to Control Panel, select Programs, and Uninstall a Program.  Find EPM Automate and uninstall it.  Once this is completed, install the newest version from Oracle’s website and you should be good to go.

Happy Holidays!