Automating SQLCMD Statements

Recently, I wanted to automate the process of loading monthly csv data files into a SQL table. I spent some time researching the syntax of SQLCMD as well as reading multiple different posts on the subject. After some trial and error, I was able to get the automation functioning properly. Here’s a quick summary.

SQL Statement

Here’s the syntax for the SQL query I was using to upload the monthly files:


DATABASE NAME, TABLE, & DATA_FILE_LOCATION.csv are query specific. For my instance I used the following:

  • DATA_FILE_LOCATION.csv: ‘G:\Data\AP\AP Aging FY14\ AP Aging Jan FY14.csv’

Open notepad and paste the query into the blank sheet. Next, save this file as a Microsoft SQL Server Query (.sql) file:

SQLCMD Batch File

To automate this process, a batch file will need to be created that calls the L_AP.sql file. Here’s the syntax to be used in the batch file:

SQLCMD -S server -U login_id –P passwordi input_file -o output_file

Notes on the syntax:

For more detailed information on the SQLCMD syntax –

Once you have tested SQLCMD in the command prompt to verify that it runs, paste it into notepad and save the file as a Windows Batch (.bat) file:

I also created the ‘Logs’ folder, which is where SQLCMD will write the output file (as specified after –o in the SQLCMD command line). The output file will be created as .txt:

At this point, the process should be good to go and you can replicate this setup for other SQL queries using sqlcmd.

As a result of this exercise, a years’ worth of data can be loaded all at once rather than having to upload the monthly data files one at a time. This saved a good amount of time that had previously been spent manually uploading monthly files during the incremental process of data validation.

One at a time, please


One of the problems with giving users of Hyperion Planning the ability to run calculations is opening up the possibility for all of them to run the same calculation at the same time.  This can cause a range of issues, from slower performance, to calculations never finishing due to locked blocks, to crashing the server.

Prior to Planning, I created VB applications to monitor what was calculated to make sure multiple calculations were not executed at the same time.  Initiating a calculation through a web portal allowed us to notify the user that the calculation request was ignored because a calculation was already running.

Both Essbase and Planning have come a long way since the 90s.  With the introduction of the @RETURN function, developers can interact with users and create a break in a calculation (business rule) so it doesn’t proceed.  The message is still reactive, but with some creativity, there are some really awesome things you can achieve.  Controlling what calculations are executed simultaneously is one of those things.

The Goal

Assume an application has a global consolidation calculation that is required to be executed for reporting requirements.  Since the administrators don’t want to be bothered at all hours of day and night, they want to enable the users to run the calculation and ensure it isn’t run more than one time during the calculation window.

This assumes the 6 required dimensions in Planning, plus a Department dimension.

The Method


Make a predefined placeholder where an indicator can be saved – a 1 or a 2.  When the calculation is executed, the value will be set to a 1.  When the calculation is finished, the value will be set to 2.  When the calculation is initiated, it will check that value.  If it is a 2, the calculation will execute.  If it is a 1, it assumes a calculations is already running so it will abort and notify the users.  This ensures that the calculation will never run twice at the same time.

Note:  I prefer the use of 1 and 2 over 0 and 1.  Many times a process is implemented to eliminate zeros and restructure the application periodically.  Not using a zero can eliminate errors in some situations.


FIX("No Entity","No_Dept","No Account","Budget","FY15","BegBalance")    SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ ON;    "Working"(      /* Check to see if a calculation is running         If the flat is a 1, return a message and stop the calculation         If the flag is a 2, continue */      IF("Working" == 1)        @RETURN ("This calculation is already running.  Please come back at a
                       later time and try again.", ERROR);      ELSE        "Working" = 1;      ENDIF)    SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ OFF;  ENDFIX     /* Aggregate the database */  FIX("Working","Budget","FY15")    AGG("Entity","Department");  ENDFIX     /* Set the flag back to 2 */  FIX("No Entity","No_Dept","No Account","Budget","FY15","BegBalance")    "Working" = 2;   ENDFIX


This method could be used in a variety of situations, not just a global calculation.  If this inspires you to use the @RETURN in other ways, please share them with the In2Hyperion and we can make your solution available to everybody.