KScope 2012 Wrap-Up

Kscope was another fantastic event.  Kudos to those responsible for organizing it.  Thank you to all the speakers who volunteered their time and shared their knowledge.  The most frequent request Josh, Rob, and I had, was to make our presentations available.  They are available on the Kscope site, but many of you don’t have access.  So, we are happy to make them available here.

I also had tremendous feedback on the ribbon. At least half the participants in our sessions used it.  We got a couple of great recommendations as well.  With some luck (meaning my schedule slows down a little), I will be working on those in the near future.

Download Josh Forrest’s presentation on Hyperion Financial Reporting

Rob Donahue’s presentation on Hyperion infrastructure

Download Kyle Goodfriend’s presentation on Hyperion Planning